How to integrate WebViewer into a Mendix PDF Viewer

This guide will help you integrate a free trial of WebViewer into Mendix application on the browser.


Prior to starting, you should have already installed Node and npm.

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1. Download WebViewer Mendix Web Widget

Download WebViewer Mendix Web Widget and extract it.

2. Create a new or use an existing Mendix App

Open Mendix Studio Pro and create a new project by selecting File > New Project from the top menu bar, and choose the Blank app.

After creating a new app, or inside of the existing app navigate to the app's directory and create a new folder called CustomWidgets/webViewer and place the extracted contents from WebViewer Mendix Web Widget.

By default, Mendix projects are stored in:



In terminal or command line navigate to CustomWidgets/webViewer and run:


1npm install

After the command completes, run:


1npm run dev

This will make a build of the Mendix Web Widget with the latest version of WebViewer, and it will be complete when you see something like this in your terminal:


1[08:57:07] Finished 'bound runWebpack' after 4.09 s
2[08:57:07] Starting 'createMpkFile'...
3[08:57:07] Finished 'createMpkFile' after 32 ms
4[08:57:07] Starting 'copyToDeployment'...
5Files generated in dist and ..\..\ folder
6[08:57:07] Finished 'copyToDeployment' after 18 ms

Next, we must copy the static assets required for WebViewer to run. The files are located in CustomWidgets/webViewer/node_modules/@pdftron/webviewer/public and must be moved into a location that will be served and publicly accessible. In Mendix, we can place it into theme/resources. Create a new folder called lib and place the contents from node_modules/@pdftron/webviewer/public there. theme/resources should have a directory structure like so:


3 ├───core
4 ├───ui
5 └───ui-legacy

3. Place WebViewer into a Page

  1. Access the Domain Model of the module where the viewer will be integrated, and create a new Entity.
  2. Right-click the newly created Entity, click Add > Attribute. Leave everything as is, and ensure its Type is set to String.
  3. Next, open the page inside of your module.
  4. Add a Data view widget by dragging it from the Toolbox. If you do not have a the Toolbox window open on the right, the bottom right corner of the window should have the Toolbox tab as an option. Double-click the widget, and give it a data source microflow by selecting Data source > Type > Microflow.
  5. In the microflow field, click the Select button and press New.
  6. Open newly created microflow, delete the parameter object (the object that has has U and (Not set) underneath) and drag Create object from the toolbox onto the arrow. Open the object by double-clicking on it and select the entity we created earlier.
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  1. Right-click the Create Entity activity, then click Set $NewEntity as Return Value.
  2. Go back to the page you placed the data view, and drag Text box into data view. Open the textbox's properties, find the Data source panel, and change the Attribute (path) to the string attribute you created in Steps 1 and 2.
  3. Press F4, or from the top menu bar select Project > Synchronize Project Directory.
  4. Go back to the page you placed the data view, in the Toolbar, under Add-on widgets you should now see Web Viewer. Drag into the data view. Right-click on Web Viewer widget and select Attribute by selecting Attribute string you have created.
  5. You can now run the app by clicking Run Locally at the top.

4. Connect Attribute to WebViewer

The WebViewer now loads inside of your page with the default file. Now let's connect the Attribute parameter to be accessible by the WebViewer. Attribute parameter can be used to pass a URL to open specific document.

  1. Navigate to the WebViewer location inside of App/CustomWidgets/webViewer and open it in your favourite code editor.
  2. Open WebViewer component available in src/components/PDFViewer.tsx. Inside of it, you can see WebViewer constructor where you can pass various customization options and call APIs on the instance object. The Attribute that you have created in previous steps is passed in props.value:


1useEffect(() => {
2 if (instance && props.value !== "") {
3 instance.loadDocument(props.value);
4 }
5}, [props.value]);

In the code snippet, we are listening for any of the changes in props and then calling loadDocument API to load a new document. You can connect it with your existing flows or pass URLs from your file storage. Make sure you have the CORS configured in case you run into any errors.

You can now customize the widget by checking out other guides we have available. Perform your customizations inside of src/components/PDFViewer.tsx. Do not forget to run npm run dev within the Widget's console or terminal and update the files in your App by pressing F4, or from the top menu bar selecting Project > Synchronize Project Directory.

You can now checkout other guides like how to open your own documents or how to disable certain features.

Next step

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