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Get started by setting up WebViewer Server

This guide will show you how to get started with a free trial of the WebViewer Server by loading a Docker Linux container instance and using it to display WebViewer on a local HTTP server.

WebViewer server is primarily recommended for increased file format support and to enable server side rendering which can improve overall viewing performance on all platforms. This performance improvement is most noticeable on low end mobile devices and Internet Explorer.

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Docker Linux container
The Docker instance is a Linux container and is our preferred set up method. This Docker Linux container instance can be run on any system which supports Docker technology. An alternative is to deploy without docker in order to set up our Windows version of WebViewer server.

Set up the server

  1. The server sample uses Docker technology, which requires Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, or a Linux distribution. In theory, any system is sufficient as long as Docker can be installed.

    Install the appropriate package from

  2. Download the WebViewer Server package.

  3. Unpack the archive and navigate to its directory.

unzip -d WebViewer-Server
cd WebViewer-Server
  1. Open the docker_compose.yml file in the root directory of the unpacked archive and set the TRN_PDFNET_KEY option to your license key (you do not need to set this property if you are demoing our software):
  1. Run the command line from the unpacked archive:
sudo docker-compose up

You should be up and running at this point.

Accessing the demo

Once the server is running, the server demo app is accessible at:

http://<HOST_IP_ADDRESS or localhost>:8090/demo

WebViewer integration

Once the docker container running, then supply the webviewerServerURL and l license argument to your WebViewer upon startup:

  // initialDoc: 'YOUR_FILE.pdf',
  webviewerServerURL: 'http://<HOST_IP_ADDRESS or localhost>:8090/',
  licenseKey: 'Insert commercial license key here after purchase'
}, viewerElement);
  // initialDoc: 'YOUR_FILE.pdf',
  pdftronServer: 'http://<HOST_IP_ADDRESS or localhost>:8090/',
  licenseKey: 'Insert commercial license key here after purchase'
}, viewerElement);

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