This release of PDFNet for Xamarin.Android brings the core PDF functionality inline with version 6.7.0 of the Android SDKs. More information can be found on What's New.
Improved page sliding animationPDFViewCtrl
Added double tap zoom animationPDFViewCtrl
Set the color post processing transformation to achieve different color viewing mode such as SepiaTools
Improved ink smoothingTools
Copy and paste annotationsTools
Change the color and shape of sticky notesTools
Change the color and thickness of signatureTools
Inline freetext tool creation/editingTools
Select different fonts for freetextTools
New AnnotationDialogFragment
that lists all annotations in the document, as well as exports annotation summary to a separate fileTools
Full Version Only: New ReflowControl
that can be used to show flexible reflow format of PDF documentsTextExtractor
only available in full version of the library)(Page.Box)PDFViewCtrl.PageBox
PDFViewCtrl.SetPageSpacingDP(int, int, int, int)
PDFViewCtrl.SetNextOnLayoutAdjustments(int, int, bool)
(List<Annot>)PDFViewCtrl.getAnnotationListAt(int, int, int, int)
PDFViewCtrl.SetColorPostProcessColors(int, int)
Print.ExportAnnotations(PDFDoc, bool)
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