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Android / Changelog / v7.0.2

Version 7.0.2 Changelog (September 18, 2019)


Release Date: September 18, 2019

New features

  • New icon set
ViewerAnnotation tools
viewerannotation tools

navigation list

  • If navigation side sheet is opened in collaboration viewer, annotation reply will be shown in the side sheet

navigation list chat

  • New non-continuous vertical scrolling mode, see guide: view mode


  • Fixed issue where duplicating an annotation may create an annotation group with the original annotation
  • Fixed issue where the text selection loupe may get stuck in some situations
  • Fixed potential ANR when selecting large image stamps
  • Fixed issue where FreeText can be still editable even if Annot.e_read_only flag is true
  • Fixed issue where back press would delete contents in the annotation notes dialog
  • Fixed issue where the default ink tool color was not set properly from freehand_default_style attribute
  • Fixed issue where annotation without a valid "P" entry would behave strangely
  • Fixed potential ANR when closing the annotation list dialog
  • Fixed potential ANR when deleting item in the user bookmark dialog


Apryse package


new static final field: PagePresentationMode SINGLE_VERT

new static final field: PagePresentationMode FACING_VERT

new static final field: PagePresentationMode FACING_COVER_VERT

new method: void setFieldHighlightColor(ColorPt)

new method: void setSignatureHighlightColor(ColorPt)

PDFViewCtrlTools package


new method: ToolManagerBuilder setEraserType(EraserType)

new method: ToolManagerBuilder setSelectionBoxMargin(int)

new method: ToolManagerBuilder setShowUndoRedo(boolean)


new method: Builder navigationListAsSheetOnLargeDevice(boolean)


new method: void prepareOptionsMenu(Menu)

removed method: void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu, MenuInflater)

removed method: void onToolbarMenuItemClicked(MenuItem)


new method: void show(int, Annot, int, ToolMode, boolean)

new method: void showEditToolbar(ToolMode)

new method: void showEditToolbar(ToolMode, Annot, int)

removed method: void show(int, Annot, ToolMode, boolean)

removed method: void showEditToolbar(ToolMode, Annot)


new method: boolean onMenuItemClicked(MenuItem, Fragment)

new method: void onPrepareMenu(Menu, Fragment)

removed method: void onAnnotationMenuItemClicked(MenuItem)


new constructor: EditToolbarImpl(FragmentActivity, EditToolbar, ToolManager, ToolMode, Annot, int, boolean)

removed constructor: EditToolbarImpl(FragmentActivity, EditToolbar, ToolManager, ToolMode, Annot, boolean)


new method: void closeNavigationList()

new method: boolean isNavigationListShowing()

new method: boolean isNonContinuousVerticalPageMode()

new method: boolean newFileSelectedFromTool(String)

new method: void openNavigationList(BookmarksDialogFragment, int, int)

new method: void showAnnotationToolbar(int, Annot, int, ToolMode, boolean)

new method: void updateNavigationListLayout(int, int, boolean)

removed method: void newFileSelectedFromTool(File)

removed method: void showAnnotationToolbar(int, Annot, ToolMode, boolean)


new method: void onInkEditSelected(Annot, int)

removed method: void onInkEditSelected(Annot)


new method: boolean isInFullScreenMode()

new method: void onBookmarksDialogWillDismiss(int)

new method: void onInkEditSelected(Annot, int)

removed method: void onInkEditSelected(Annot)


new static method: BookmarksDialogFragment newInstance(DialogMode)

new method: void onCreate(Bundle)

new method: void onDestroyView()

new method: boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem)

removed method: void onDismiss(DialogInterface)

modified class: BookmarksDialogFragment

From:public class BookmarksDialogFragment extends DialogFragment implements BaseOnTabSelectedListener
To:public class BookmarksDialogFragment extends DialogFragment implements BaseOnTabSelectedListener,OnMenuItemClickListener


new method: void onBookmarksDialogWillDismiss(int)


new final class: DialogMode

new static final field: DialogMode DIALOG

new static final field: DialogMode SHEET

new static method: DialogMode valueOf(String)

new static method: DialogMode[] values()


new static method: AnnotationInfo toAnnotationInfo(Annot, Page, TextExtractor)


new constructor: DigitalSignatureViewModel(Application)

removed constructor: DigitalSignatureViewModel()

modified class: DigitalSignatureViewModel

From:public class DigitalSignatureViewModel extends ViewModel
To:public class DigitalSignatureViewModel extends AndroidViewModel


new method: void showEditToolbar(ToolMode, Annot, int)

removed method: void showEditToolbar(ToolMode, Annot)


new method: boolean showMenu(RectF)


new method: boolean isDrawingLoupe()


new final class: EraserType

new static final field: EraserType ANNOTATION_ERASER

new static final field: EraserType HYBRID_ERASER

new static final field: EraserType INK_ERASER

new static method: EraserType valueOf(String)

new static method: EraserType[] values()


new method: void setInitInkItem(Annot, int)

new static method: void setupInkItem(Ink, InkItem, int)

removed method: void setInitInkItem(Annot)

removed static method: void setupInkItem(Ink, InkItem)


new method: EraserType getEraserType()

new method: int getSelectionBoxMargin()

new method: boolean isShowUndoRedo()

new method: void onInkEditSelected(Annot, int)

new method: boolean onNewFileCreated(String)

new method: void setEraserType(EraserType)

new method: void setSelectionBoxMargin(int)

new method: void setShowUndoRedo(boolean)

removed method: void onInkEditSelected(Annot)

removed method: void onNewFileCreated(File)


new method: boolean newFileSelectedFromTool(String)

removed method: void newFileSelectedFromTool(File)


new method: void inkEditSelected(Annot, int)

removed method: void inkEditSelected(Annot)


new static method: boolean canUseBitmapAppearance(Annot)

new static method: Single<Bitmap> getAnnotationAppearanceAsync(PDFViewCtrl, Annot)


new constructor: DialogFragmentTab(Class<?>, String, Drawable, String, String, Bundle, int)

new field: int menuResId


new static method: boolean getUnlimitedTabsEnabled(Context, boolean)

new static method: boolean isVerticalScrollSnap(Context)

new static method: void setVerticalScrollSnap(Context, boolean)


new static method: boolean isLargeTablet(Context)


new method: void initInkItem(Annot, int, PointF)

new method: void setAnnotStyle(AnnotViewImpl)

removed method: PointF[] getPolyShapeCtrlPts()

removed method: ArrayList<PointF> getVertices()

removed method: void initInkItem(Annot, PointF)

removed method: void setAnnotStyle(PDFViewCtrl, AnnotStyle)

removed method: void setVertices()


new method: void setAnnotStyle(AnnotViewImpl)

removed method: void setAnnotStyle(PDFViewCtrl, AnnotStyle)


new method: RotateInfo handleRotation(PointF, PointF, boolean)

new method: void layoutSelectionHandle(PointF[])

new method: void setSelectionHandleVisible(boolean)

new method: void setVertices()

new method: void updateVertices(int, PointF)


new field: ArrayList<PointF> mVertices

new method: boolean isAnnotEditAdvancedShape()

new method: boolean isAnnotEditLine()

new method: boolean isAnnotResizable()

new method: boolean isCallout()

new method: boolean isFreeHighlighter()

new method: boolean isStamp()

new method: void setVertices()


new class: SelectionHandleView

new constructor: SelectionHandleView(Context)

new constructor: SelectionHandleView(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: SelectionHandleView(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new method: boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)

pdftron-collab package


new method: void prepareOptionsMenu(Menu)

removed method: void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu, MenuInflater)

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