React Native
Package samples
Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Version 8
Version 7
Version 6
Version 5
Release Date: August 20, 2019
tool for creating list box widgetComboBoxFieldCreate
tool for creating combo box widgetFormToolbar
for creating different types of form widgetsList box | Combo box |
Search | Text selection |
Thumbnail slider | Page number indicator |
is now removed from the PDFViewCtrlTools
library project and all samplescom.squareup.picasso:picasso
is now added to the PDFViewCtrlTools
library project and all samplesPdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment
cannot be used together with
new method: String[] getOptions()
new method: removeOption(String)
new method: replaceOptions(String[])
new method: String[] getOptions()
new method: removeOption(String)
new method: replaceOptions(String[])
new method: void add(File)
new method: void dispose()
new method: void insert(File, int)
new method: boolean remove(File)
removed method: void add(Bitmap)
removed method: File getFileItem(int)
removed method: void insert(Bitmap, int)
removed method: boolean remove(Bitmap)
removed method: void setBitmaps(Bitmap[])
modified class: SavedSignatureAdapter
Declaration | |
From: | public class SavedSignatureAdapter extends SimpleRecyclerViewAdapter<Bitmap, ViewHolder> |
To: | public class SavedSignatureAdapter extends SimpleRecyclerViewAdapter<File, ViewHolder> |
new method: Builder showFormToolbarOption(boolean)
new static final field: int START_MODE_FORM_TOOLBAR
new method: boolean isInFormMode()
new method: void onFormToolbarWillClose()
new method: void showFormToolbar(ToolMode)
modified class: AnnotationToolbar
Declaration | |
From: | public class AnnotationToolbar extends InsectHandlerToolbar implements ToolChangedListener,OnEditToolbarListener,OnEditToolbarListener |
To: | public class AnnotationToolbar extends BaseToolbar implements ToolChangedListener,OnEditToolbarListener,OnEditToolbarListener,FormToolbarListener |
new abstract class: BaseToolbar
new constructor: BaseToolbar(Context)
new constructor: BaseToolbar(Context, AttributeSet)
new constructor: BaseToolbar(Context, AttributeSet, int)
new constructor: BaseToolbar(Context, AttributeSet, int, int)
new method: boolean isShowing()
new abstract method: void selectTool(View, int)
new method: void addOnTabSelectedListener(BaseOnTabSelectedListener)
new method: void removeOnTabSelectedListener(BaseOnTabSelectedListener)
removed method: void addOnTabSelectedListener(OnTabSelectedListener)
removed method: void removeOnTabSelectedListener(OnTabSelectedListener)
modified class: CustomFragmentTabLayout
Declaration | |
From: | public class CustomFragmentTabLayout extends TabLayout implements OnTabSelectedListener |
To: | public class CustomFragmentTabLayout extends TabLayout implements BaseOnTabSelectedListener |
new method: void onOrientationChanged()
modified class: EditToolbarImpl
Declaration | |
From: | public class EditToolbarImpl implements OnToolbarStateUpdateListener,OnToolSelectedListener |
To: | public class EditToolbarImpl implements OnToolbarStateUpdateListener,OnToolSelectedListener,OnEditToolbarChangedListener |
modified class: FavoriteColorDialogFragment
Declaration | |
From: | public class FavoriteColorDialogFragment extends DialogFragment implements OnPageChangeListener,OnTabSelectedListener |
To: | public class FavoriteColorDialogFragment extends DialogFragment implements OnPageChangeListener,BaseOnTabSelectedListener |
new class: FormToolbar
new constructor: FormToolbar(Context)
new constructor: FormToolbar(Context, AttributeSet)
new constructor: FormToolbar(Context, AttributeSet, int)
new constructor: FormToolbar(Context, AttributeSet, int, int)
new method: void close()
new method: void closePopups()
new method: boolean handleKeyUp(int, KeyEvent)
new method: void selectTool(View, int)
new method: void setButtonStayDown(boolean)
new method: void setFormToolbarListener(FormToolbarListener)
new method: void setup(ToolManager)
new method: void show(ToolMode)
new method: void toolChanged(Tool, Tool)
new method: void updateButtonsVisibility()
new interface: FormToolbarListener
new method: void onFormToolbarWillClose()
modified class: PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment
Declaration | |
From: | public class PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment extends Fragment implements TabListener,AnnotationToolbarListener,QuickMenuListener,OnTabSelectedListener,SearchResultsListener,ViewModePickerDialogFragmentListener,BookmarksDialogListener,BookmarksTabsListener,UserCropSelectionDialogFragmentListener,OnUserCropDialogDismissListener,AutoCropTaskListener,OnThumbnailsViewDialogDismissListener,OnThumbnailsEditAttemptWhileReadOnlyListener,OnExportThumbnailsListener,OnLayoutChangeListener,OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener |
To: | public class PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment extends Fragment implements TabListener,AnnotationToolbarListener,QuickMenuListener,BaseOnTabSelectedListener,SearchResultsListener,ViewModePickerDialogFragmentListener,BookmarksDialogListener,BookmarksTabsListener,UserCropSelectionDialogFragmentListener,OnUserCropDialogDismissListener,AutoCropTaskListener,OnThumbnailsViewDialogDismissListener,OnThumbnailsEditAttemptWhileReadOnlyListener,OnExportThumbnailsListener,OnLayoutChangeListener,OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener |
modified class: BookmarksDialogFragment
Declaration | |
From: | public class BookmarksDialogFragment extends DialogFragment implements OnTabSelectedListener |
To: | public class BookmarksDialogFragment extends DialogFragment implements BaseOnTabSelectedListener |
new class: DialogSignatureInfo
new constructor: DialogSignatureInfo(Context)
new method: void setContactInfo(String)
new method: void setDocumentPermission(String)
new method: void setLocation(String)
new method: void setName(String)
new method: void setReason(String)
new method: void setSigningTime(String)
new class: DigitalSignatureDialogFragment
new constructor: DigitalSignatureDialogFragment()
new method: void onActivityResult(int, int, Intent)
new method: void onCreate(Bundle)
new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)
new method: void onSignatureCreated(String)
new method: void onSignatureFromImage(PointF, int, Long)
new method: void onSignatureSelected(String)
new method: void setOnKeystoreUpdatedListener(OnKeystoreUpdatedListener)
new class: DigitalSignatureUserInputFragment
new constructor: DigitalSignatureUserInputFragment()
new method: void onCreate(Bundle)
new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)
new method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)
new class: DigitalSignatureViewModel
new constructor: DigitalSignatureViewModel()
new method: void setKeystoreFileUri(Uri)
new class: SignatureInfoView
new constructor: SignatureInfoView(Context)
new constructor: SignatureInfoView(Context, AttributeSet)
new constructor: SignatureInfoView(Context, AttributeSet, int)
new method: void setDetails(String)
new method: void setLabel(String)
removed class: DialogSignatureInfo
removed constructor: DialogSignatureInfo(Context)
removed method: void setLocation(String)
removed method: void setName(String)
removed method: void setReason(String)
new method: void onEditModeChanged(boolean)
new static final field: String BUNDLE_HAS_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE
new static final field: boolean HAS_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE
new method: SignatureDialogFragmentBuilder usingDefaultKeystore(boolean)
removed method: SignatureDialogFragmentBuilder usingDigitalSignature(boolean)
new abstract class: EditListAdapter<T>
new constructor: EditListAdapter()
new constructor: EditListAdapter(ViewHolderBindListener)
new method: void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder, int)
new method: void onBindViewHolder(EditListViewHolder, int)
new method: ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int)
new method: void setEditing(boolean)
new method: void setSelectedIndex(int)
new class: EditListItemTouchHelperCallback
new constructor: EditListItemTouchHelperCallback(ItemTouchHelperAdapter, boolean, int)
new method: void clearView(RecyclerView, ViewHolder)
new method: int getMovementFlags(RecyclerView, ViewHolder)
new method: void onChildDraw(Canvas, RecyclerView, ViewHolder, float, float, int, boolean)
new method: void setDragging(boolean)
new class: EditListViewHolder
new constructor: EditListViewHolder(View)
new final field: ImageButton confirmButton
new final field: ImageButton contextButton
new final field: EditText editText
new final field: TextView textView
new class: ChoiceDialogFragment
new constructor: ChoiceDialogFragment()
new static final field: String EXISTING_OPTIONS
new static final field: String FIELD_TYPE
new static final field: String SELECTION_TYPE
new static final field: String TAG
new static final field: String WIDGET
new static final field: String WIDGET_PAGE
new static method: ChoiceDialogFragment newInstance(long, int, boolean, boolean)
new static method: ChoiceDialogFragment newInstance(long, int, boolean, boolean, String[])
new method: void onCreate(Bundle)
new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)
new method: void onDismiss(DialogInterface)
new class: ChoiceResult
new constructor: ChoiceResult(long, int, boolean, String[])
new method: String[] getOptions()
new method: int getPage()
new method: long getWidget()
new method: boolean isSingleChoice()
new class: ChoiceViewModel
new constructor: ChoiceViewModel()
new interface: OnKeystoreUpdatedListener
new method: void onKeystoreFileUpdated(Uri)
new method: void onKeystorePasswordUpdated(String)
new method: void onEditModeChanged(boolean)
new method: void onDraw(Canvas, Matrix)
new method: boolean onMove(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float)
new method: boolean onUp(MotionEvent, PriorEventMode)
new abstract class: BaseTool
new constructor: BaseTool(PDFViewCtrl)
new static final field: int LOUPE_RADIUS
new static final field: int LOUPE_SIZE
new method: void onClose()
new method: boolean onDown(MotionEvent)
new method: void onDraw(Canvas, Matrix)
new method: boolean onMove(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float)
new abstract class: ChoiceFieldCreate
new constructor: ChoiceFieldCreate(PDFViewCtrl)
new class: ComboBoxFieldCreate
new constructor: ComboBoxFieldCreate(PDFViewCtrl)
new method: int getCreateAnnotType()
new method: ToolModeBase getToolMode()
new static method: String createSignatureImageFile(Context, Page)
new method: boolean onLongPress(MotionEvent)
new method: boolean onUp(MotionEvent, PriorEventMode)
new static method: PointF convPagePtToDrawingPt(PDFViewCtrl, float, float, int, PointF)
new static method: ArrayList<ArrayList<PointF>> createDrawingStrokesFromPageStrokes(PDFViewCtrl, ArrayList<ArrayList<PointF>>, boolean, int, PointF)
removed static method: PointF convPagePtToDrawingPt(PDFViewCtrl, float, float, int, PointF, float, float)
removed static method: ArrayList<ArrayList<PointF>> createDrawingStrokesFromPageStrokes(PDFViewCtrl, ArrayList<ArrayList<PointF>>, boolean, int, PointF, float, float)
new class: ListBoxFieldCreate
new constructor: ListBoxFieldCreate(PDFViewCtrl)
new method: int getCreateAnnotType()
new method: ToolModeBase getToolMode()
new method: void onDraw(Canvas, Matrix)
new method: boolean onMove(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float)
new method: boolean onUp(MotionEvent, PriorEventMode)
new method: boolean onUp(MotionEvent, PriorEventMode)
modified abstract class: SimpleShapeCreate
Declaration | |
From: | public abstract class SimpleShapeCreate extends Tool |
To: | public abstract class SimpleShapeCreate extends BaseTool |
new method: void highlightSelection()
modified abstract class: TextMarkupCreate
Declaration | |
From: | public abstract class TextMarkupCreate extends Tool |
To: | public abstract class TextMarkupCreate extends BaseTool |
modified class: TextSelect
Declaration | |
From: | public class TextSelect extends Tool |
To: | public class TextSelect extends BaseTool |
new method: boolean getSnappingEnabled()
new static method: void updateFont(PDFViewCtrl, Widget, String)
new method: boolean isUsingDigitalSignature()
new method: void setUsingDigitalSignature(boolean)
new static final field: ToolMode FORM_COMBO_BOX_CREATE
new static final field: ToolMode FORM_LIST_BOX_CREATE
new static method: Bitmap getAnnotationAppearance(PDFViewCtrl, Annot)
new static method: Date getLocalDate(Date)
new static method: boolean isGroupSelected(PDFViewCtrl, ArrayList<Annot>, int)
new static method: boolean isListBox(Annot)
removed static method: Bitmap getStampAppearance(PDFViewCtrl, Annot)
modified static method: Completable loadSystemFonts()
Declaration | |
From: | public static Completable loadSystemFonts() |
To: | public static Single loadSystemFonts() |
new static final field: int sRotateHandleMargin
new static method: void drawInk(PDFViewCtrl, Canvas, ArrayList<InkItem>, boolean, Matrix, PointF, boolean)
removed static method: void drawInk(PDFViewCtrl, Canvas, ArrayList<InkItem>, boolean, PointF, float, float, boolean)
removed class: MySignatureHandler
removed constructor: MySignatureHandler(int, Resources, String)
removed constructor: MySignatureHandler(String, String)
removed method: void appendData(byte[])
removed method: byte[] createSignature()
removed method: String getName()
removed method: boolean reset()
new static final field: int DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEYSTORE
new static final field: int DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEYSTORE_IMAGE
new method: File getSavedSignatureJpegFile(Context, File)
new static method: Intent createSystemPickerIntent()
new static method: Intent createSystemPickerIntent(String[])
new static method: Uri getImageUriFromIntent(Intent, Activity, Uri)
new method: boolean getCanDraw()
new method: void setAnnotRect(RectF)
removed method: void setAnnotRect(Rect)
new method: boolean getCanDraw()
new method: void invalidate()
new field: RectF mAnnotRectF
modified class: RotateHandleView
Declaration | |
From: | public class RotateHandleView extends FloatingActionButton |
To: | public class RotateHandleView extends LinearLayout |
new class: SelectionLoupe
new constructor: SelectionLoupe(Context)
new constructor: SelectionLoupe(Context, AttributeSet)
new constructor: SelectionLoupe(Context, AttributeSet, int)
new method: void setup(Bitmap, float)
removed static method: Intent createSystemPickerIntent()
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