React Native
Package samples
Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Version 8
Version 7
Version 6
Version 5
Release Date: October 30, 2019
extension is now supportedandroidx.preference:preference
is now added to the PDFViewCtrlTools
library project and all samplesjp.wasabeef:richeditor-android
is now added to the PDFViewCtrlTools
library project and all samplescom.github.CymChad:BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper
is now added to the pdfnet-demo-utils
library project and CompleteReader sampleAdvancedReaderActivity
takes long time to load filessetDeleteEmptyFreeText
is set to falsenew method: ToolManagerBuilder freeTextInlineToggleEnabled(boolean)
new method: ToolManagerBuilder setShowRichContentOption(boolean)
new method: Builder permanentTopToolbar(boolean)
new method: Builder showTopToolbar(boolean)
new method: Builder showViewLayersToolbarOption(boolean)
new method: String getTextHTMLContent()
new method: boolean isCallout()
new method: boolean isRCFreeText()
new method: void setTextHTMLContent(String)
new method: void onChangeRichContentEnabled(boolean)
new method: boolean isRichContentEnabled()
new method: void setRichContentEnabled(boolean)
new method: void freeTextInlineToggleEnabled(boolean)
new method: boolean isRichContentEnabledForFreeText()
new method: boolean isShowRichContentOption()
new method: boolean isfreeTextInlineToggleEnabled()
new method: void onFileCreated(String, AnnotAction)
new method: void setRichContentEnabledForFreeText(boolean)
new method: void setShowRichContentOption(boolean)
new method: void fileCreated(String, AnnotAction)
new final class: AnnotAction
new static final field: AnnotAction SCREENSHOT_CREATE
new static field: String KEY_InReplyTo
new static field: String KEY_RawRichContent
new static field: String KEY_ReplyTo
new static field: String KEY_RichContent
new static method: void createRCFreeTextAppearance(PTRichEditor, PDFViewCtrl, Annot, int)
new static method: String createScreenshot(File, PDFDoc, Annot, int)
new static method: Single<String> createScreenshotAsync(File, PDFDoc, Annot, int)
new static method: boolean refreshCustomRichFreeTextAppearance(File, Annot)
removed static field: String KEY_IRT
removed static field: String KEY_RT
new constructor: InlineEditText(PDFViewCtrl, Annot, int, Point, boolean, boolean, InlineEditTextListener)
new method: PTRichEditor getRichEditor()
new method: void setHTMLContents(String)
new method: void setRichTextViewModel(RichTextViewModel)
new method: void updateRichContentStyle(AnnotStyle)
new static method: void setAllowPageChangeOnTap(Context, boolean)
new class: RichTextEvent
new method: AnnotStyle getAnnotStyle()
new method: List<Type> getDecorationTypes()
new method: Type getEventType()
new final class: Type
new static final field: Type ALIGN_CENTER
new static final field: Type ALIGN_LEFT
new static final field: Type ALIGN_RIGHT
new static final field: Type BLOCK_QUOTE
new static final field: Type BOLD
new static final field: Type BULLETS
new static final field: Type CLOSE_TOOLBAR
new static final field: Type HIDE_KEYBOARD
new static final field: Type INDENT
new static final field: Type ITALIC
new static final field: Type NUMBERS
new static final field: Type OPEN_TOOLBAR
new static final field: Type OUTDENT
new static final field: Type REDO
new static final field: Type SHOW_KEYBOARD
new static final field: Type STRIKE_THROUGH
new static final field: Type TEXT_STYLE
new static final field: Type UNDERLINE
new static final field: Type UNDO
new static final field: Type UPDATE_TOOLBAR
new static method: Type valueOf(String)
new static method: Type[] values()
new method: void animateActiveHandle()
new method: InertRichEditor getRichEditor()
new method: void setActiveHandle(int)
new method: void setAnnotRect(RectF)
new method: void snapToPerfectShape(SnapMode)
new final class: SnapMode
new static final field: SnapMode ASPECT_RATIO_L
new static final field: SnapMode ASPECT_RATIO_R
new static final field: SnapMode HORIZONTAL
new static final field: SnapMode VERTICAL
new static method: SnapMode valueOf(String)
new static method: SnapMode[] values()
new method: View getActiveEditor()
new method: String getActiveText()
new method: PTRichEditor getRichEditor()
new method: boolean isRichContentEnabled()
new method: void setRichContentEnabled(boolean)
new class: RichTextViewModel
new constructor: RichTextViewModel()
new final method: Observable<RichTextEvent> getObservable()
new method: void onCloseToolbar()
new method: void onEditorAction(Type)
new method: void onOpenToolbar()
new method: void onUpdateDecorationTypes(List<Type>)
new method: void onUpdateTextStyle(AnnotStyle)
new class: PTRichEditor
new constructor: PTRichEditor(Context)
new constructor: PTRichEditor(Context, AttributeSet)
new constructor: PTRichEditor(Context, AttributeSet, int)
new method: int getEditorFontSize()
new method: void setEditorFontSize(int)
new class: RCContainer
new constructor: RCContainer(Context)
new method: void dismiss()
new method: void setup(View, ToolManager)
new method: void updateToolbar(List<Type>)
new class: RCToolbar
new constructor: RCToolbar(Context)
new constructor: RCToolbar(Context, AttributeSet)
new constructor: RCToolbar(Context, AttributeSet, int)
new method: void deselectAll()
new method: void setToolManager(ToolManager)
new method: void toggleStylePicker(View)
new method: void updateDecorationTypes(List<Type>)
new method: void updateStyle(AnnotStyle)
new class: StrokeOutlineResult
new constructor: StrokeOutlineResult(ArrayList<PointF>, double[])
new final field: ArrayList<PointF> pointPath
new final field: double[] strokeOutline
new method: void finish()
removed method: List<double[]> getStrokes()
removed class: ColorPreference
new class: AboutDialogFragment
new constructor: AboutDialogFragment()
new static method: AboutDialogFragment newInstance(String)
new method: void onDialogClosed(boolean)
modified class: SettingsActivity
Declaration | |
From: | public class SettingsActivity extends PreferenceActivity |
To: | public class SettingsActivity extends AppCompatActivity |
new class: SettingsFragment
new constructor: SettingsFragment()
new method: void onCreatePreferences(Bundle, String)
new method: void onDisplayPreferenceDialog(Preference)
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