Version 7.0.5 Changelog (February 3, 2020)


Release Date: February 3, 2020

New features

Apryse Docs Image

Document with images

Reflow with images

Apryse Docs Image
Apryse Docs Image
Apryse Docs Image

Dotted page

Isometric dotted page

Apryse Docs Image
Apryse Docs Image
Apryse Docs Image
Apryse Docs Image
  • Korean translation is now shipped with the library

Dependency changes

  • Compile and target Android version is changed from 28 to 29
  • com.squareup.picasso:picasso version is changed from 2.5.2 to 2.71828
  • com.pdftron:floatingactionbutton is now removed from the PDFViewCtrlTools library project and all samples
  • com.github.clans:fab is now added to the PDFViewCtrlTools library project and all samples


  • Fixed issue where the page number indicator is clickable when hidden
  • Fixed issue where ink and ink highlighter annotations appear to be incorrect size when resizing
  • Fixed issue where author is missing for stamp type annotations
  • Fixed issue where font entry in style picker showing incorrect selected font
  • Fixed issue where RTL setting is not preserved when using PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment
  • Fixed issue where new free text will be wrongly populated with previous free text content
  • Fixed issue where sticky note with custom appearance will disappear when selected
  • Fixed potential crash related to showing toast on API 25
  • Fixed potential crash in CollabViewerTabHostFragment when initial load of XFDF is too large
  • Many UI polish improvements


Apryse package


new method: void docLockRead(LockRunnable)

new method: void docLock(boolean, LockRunnable)

PDFViewCtrlTools package


new method: void setAllowDragAmongSections(boolean)


new method: boolean isQuickScaleEnabled()

new method: PDFViewCtrlConfig setQuickScaleEnabled(boolean)


new method: EraserType getCustomEraserType(Context, int, String)

new method: boolean getCustomPressureSensitive(Context, int, String)

new method: boolean getDefaultPressureSensitivity(Context, int)

new method: boolean getDefaultPressureSensitivity(Context, int, int)

new method: String getEraserTypeKey(int, String)

new method: String getPressureSensitiveKey(int, String)


new method: Builder hideViewModeItems(ViewModePickerItems[])

new method: Builder showEditMenuOption(boolean)

new method: Builder showReflowOption(boolean)

new method: Builder useStandardLibrary(boolean)


new static final field: PageType Dotted

new static final field: PageType IsometricDotted


new method: void setCanShowPressureSwitch(boolean)


new method: void setCanShowPressureSwitch(boolean)


new field: ViewerBuilder mViewerBuilder


new method: void onEditToolbarMenu()

new method: void restoreSavedMenu()


new constructor: ThumbnailsViewAdapter(Context, EditPagesListener, FragmentManager, PDFViewCtrl, List<Integer>, int, ViewHolderBindListener)

new method: void add(Integer)

new method: void addAll(List<Integer>)

new method: void clear()

new method: int getPositionForPage(int)

new method: void insert(Integer, int)

new method: boolean remove(Integer)

new method: void setData(List<Integer>)

new method: void setItem(int, int)

removed constructor: ThumbnailsViewAdapter(Context, EditPagesListener, FragmentManager, PDFViewCtrl, List<Map<String, Object>>, int, ViewHolderBindListener)

removed method: void add(Map<String, Object>)

removed method: void clearOffScreenResources()

removed method: void insert(Map<String, Object>, int)

removed method: boolean remove(Map<String, Object>)

modified class: ThumbnailsViewAdapter



public class ThumbnailsViewAdapter extends SimpleRecyclerViewAdapter<Map<String, Object>, PageViewHolder> implements ThumbAsyncListener, ItemTouchHelperAdapter, PasswordDialogFragmentListener


public class ThumbnailsViewAdapter extends SimpleRecyclerViewAdapter<Integer, PageViewHolder> implements ThumbAsyncListener, ItemTouchHelperAdapter, PasswordDialogFragmentListener


new class: ThumbnailsViewFilterMode

new constructor: ThumbnailsViewFilterMode(Integer)

new method: Integer getFilterMode()

new method: void observeFilterTypeChanges(LifecycleOwner, Observer<Integer>)

new method: void publishFilterTypeChange(Integer)


new static final field: int FILTER_MODE_ANNOTATED

new static final field: int FILTER_MODE_BOOKMARKED

new static final field: int FILTER_MODE_NORMAL


removed static final field: int ITEM_ID_USERCROP


new final class: ViewModePickerItems

new static final field: ViewModePickerItems ITEM_ID_COLORMODE

new static final field: ViewModePickerItems ITEM_ID_CONTINUOUS

new static final field: ViewModePickerItems ITEM_ID_FACING_COVER

new static final field: ViewModePickerItems ITEM_ID_REFLOW

new static final field: ViewModePickerItems ITEM_ID_ROTATION

new static final field: ViewModePickerItems ITEM_ID_TEXT_SIZE

new static final field: ViewModePickerItems ITEM_ID_USERCROP

new method: int getValue()

new static method: ViewModePickerItems valueOf(String)

new static method: ViewModePickerItems[] values()

new class: MenuEditorAdapter

new constructor: MenuEditorAdapter()

new constructor: MenuEditorAdapter(ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>)

new static final field: int VIEW_TYPE_CONTENT

new static final field: int VIEW_TYPE_HEADER

new method: int getItemCount()

new method: int getItemViewType(int)

new method: void insert(MenuEditorItem, int)

new method: boolean isHeader(int)

new method: void notifyHeadersChanged()

new method: void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder, int)

new method: ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int)

new method: void onItemDismiss(int)

new method: void onItemDrop(int, int)

new method: boolean onItemMove(int, int)

new method: MenuEditorItem removeAt(int)

new method: void setData(ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>)

new method: void setDragging(boolean)

new method: void setViewModel(MenuEditorViewModel)

new class: MenuEditorDialogFragment

new constructor: MenuEditorDialogFragment()

new static final field: String TAG

new static method: MenuEditorDialogFragment newInstance()

new method: void onCreate(Bundle)

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

new method: void onDismiss(DialogInterface)

new method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)

new method: void setMenuEditorDialogFragmentListener(MenuEditorDialogFragmentListener)

new interface: MenuEditorDialogFragmentListener

new method: void onMenuEditorDialogDismiss()

new class: MenuEditorEvent

new method: Type getEventType()

new final class: Type

new static final field: Type RESET

new static method: Type valueOf(String)

new static method: Type[] values()

new class: MenuEditorViewModel

new constructor: MenuEditorViewModel(Application)

new method: LiveData<ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>> getItemsLiveData()

new final method: Observable<MenuEditorEvent> getObservable()

new method: void onReset()

new method: void setItems(ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>)

new interface: MenuEditorItem

new static final field: int GROUP_SHOW_IF_ROOM

new static final field: int GROUP_SHOW_NEVER

new method: boolean isHeader()

new class: MenuEditorItemContent

new constructor: MenuEditorItemContent(int, String, Drawable)

new constructor: MenuEditorItemContent(int, String, int)

new method: Drawable getDrawable()

new method: int getIconRes()

new method: int getId()

new method: String getTitle()

new method: boolean isHeader()

new class: MenuEditorItemHeader

new constructor: MenuEditorItemHeader(int, int, int)

new constructor: MenuEditorItemHeader(int, String, String)

new method: String getDescription()

new method: int getDescriptionId()

new method: String getDraggingTitle()

new method: int getDraggingTitleId()

new method: int getGroup()

new method: String getTitle()

new method: int getTitleId()

new method: boolean isHeader()

new method: void setDraggingTitle(String)

new method: void setDraggingTitleId(int)


new method: EraserType getEraserType()

new method: boolean getPressureSensitive()

new method: boolean hasPressureSensitivity()

new method: boolean isEraser()

new method: void setEraserType(EraserType)

new method: void setPressureSensitivity(boolean)


new static method: String getParentRelativePath(Uri, String)


new method: void setupAnnotProperty(AnnotStyle)

removed method: void setupAnnotProperty(int, float, float, int, String, String)


new static method: ArrayList<ArrayList<PointF>> createPageStrokesFromArrayObj(Obj)

new static method: List<List<PointF>> createStrokeListFromArrayObj(Obj)

new method: String getPressureSensitiveKey()

new method: void setPressureSensitive(boolean)

new method: void setupAnnotProperty(AnnotStyle)

new method: void setupEraserProperty(AnnotStyle)

removed static method: PointF convPagePtToDrawingPt(PDFViewCtrl, float, float, int, PointF)

removed static method: ArrayList<ArrayList<PointF>> createDrawingStrokesFromPageStrokes(PDFViewCtrl, ArrayList<ArrayList<PointF>>, boolean, int)

removed static method: ArrayList<ArrayList<PointF>> createDrawingStrokesFromPageStrokes(PDFViewCtrl, ArrayList<ArrayList<PointF>>, boolean, int, PointF)

removed method: void onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int)

removed method: void onRenderingFinished()

removed method: void setupEraserProperty(float)

removed static method: void setupInkItem(Ink, InkItem, int)


removed method: boolean canInkUndo()

removed method: void takeInitialInkSnapshot()

removed method: void undoToPreviousInitialInk()


new method: void setEraseInkOnlyEnabled(boolean)

new method: void setPressureSensitiveEnabled(boolean)

new method: void setRichTextEnabled(boolean)


new static final field: int EVENT_AUTO_DRAW_OPTION

new static final field: int EVENT_STYLE_PICKER_OPTIONS


new static method: HashMap<String, String> stylePickerSelectEraserParam(boolean, int, String)

new static method: HashMap<String, String> stylePickerSelectPressureParam(boolean, int, String)

new static method: HashMap<String, String> stylePickerSelectRichTextParam(boolean, int, String)


new static method: int getAnnotationCountOnPage(PDFViewCtrl, int, ArrayList<Integer>)


new static method: void copyAnnot(Context, ArrayList<Annot>, PDFViewCtrl, OnClipboardTaskListener)


new static method: ArrayList<Integer> getPdfBookmarkedPageNumbers(PDFDoc)


new static method: void drawInk(PDFViewCtrl, Canvas, ArrayList<InkItem>, Matrix, PointF)

removed static method: void drawInk(PDFViewCtrl, Canvas, ArrayList<InkItem>, boolean)

removed static method: void drawInk(PDFViewCtrl, Canvas, ArrayList<InkItem>, boolean, Matrix, PointF, boolean)


new constructor: HTML2PDF(WebView, Uri)


new static final field: String KEY_PREF_THUMB_LIST_FILTER

new static method: boolean getInRTLMode(Context)

new static method: String getSavedHomeToolbarMenu(Context)

new static method: int getThumbListFilterMode(Context, int)

new static method: void setSavedHomeToolbarMenu(Context, String)

new static method: void updateInRTLMode(Context, boolean)

new static method: void updateThumbListFilterMode(Context, int)


new class: PressureInkUtils

new constructor: PressureInkUtils()

new static method: void clearThicknessList(Annot)

new static method: EraserData erasePoints(PDFViewCtrl, Ink, List<PointF>, float)

new static method: EraserData erasePointsAndThickness(List<List<PointF>>, List<List<Float>>, PDFViewCtrl, List<List<PointF>>, float, Rect)

new static method: List<double[]> generateOutlines(List<List<PointF>>, List<List<Float>>, float)

new static method: List<double[]> getThicknessArrays(Ink)

new static method: List<List<Float>> getThicknessList(Ink)

new static method: boolean isPressureSensitive(Annot)

new static method: boolean refreshCustomAppearanceForNewAnnot(PDFViewCtrl, Annot)

new static method: boolean refreshCustomInkAppearanceForExistingAnnot(Annot)

new static method: void setInkList(Ink, List<List<PointF>>)

new static method: void setThicknessList(Ink, List<List<Float>>)


new class: EraserData

new constructor: EraserData(boolean, List<List<PointF>>, List<List<Float>>)

new final field: boolean hasErased

new final field: List<List<PointF>> newStrokeList

new final field: List<List<Float>> newThicknessList


new static method: Single<File> duplicateInDownload(Context, ContentResolver, Uri, String)

new static method: File getExternalDownloadDirectory(Context)

new static method: boolean isAndroidQ()

removed static method: Single<File> duplicateInDownload(ContentResolver, Uri, String)


new static method: ArrayList<MenuEditorItem> getMenuEditorItemsArray(String)

new static method: String getMenuEditorItemsJSON(ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>)


new method: boolean hasIcon()


new method: boolean hasIcon()


new class: PTFloatingActionButton

new constructor: PTFloatingActionButton(Context)

new constructor: PTFloatingActionButton(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: PTFloatingActionButton(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new constructor: PTFloatingActionButton(Context, AttributeSet, int, int)


new class: PTFloatingActionMenu

new constructor: PTFloatingActionMenu(Context)

new constructor: PTFloatingActionMenu(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: PTFloatingActionMenu(Context, AttributeSet, int)


new method: void setDrawCircle(boolean)


new class: UniformWidthRelativeLayout

new constructor: UniformWidthRelativeLayout(Context)

new constructor: UniformWidthRelativeLayout(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: UniformWidthRelativeLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int)

pdfnet-demo-utils package


new class: AllDocumentFilesDataSource

new constructor: AllDocumentFilesDataSource(FileDao)

new method: void add(FileInfo)

new method: void delete(FileInfo)


new static method: FileEntity documentFileToFileEntity(DocumentFile, String)

removed static method: FileEntity fileToFileEntity(FileInfo)


new abstract class: DocumentFileDatabase

new constructor: DocumentFileDatabase()

new abstract method: FileDao fileDao()

new static method: DocumentFileDatabase getInstance(Context)


new method: void insertFolderInBackground(FolderEntity)


new interface: DocumentTreeDao

new method: void deleteRoot(DocumentTreeEntity)

new method: List<DocumentTreeEntity> getRoots()

new method: void insertRoot(DocumentTreeEntity)


new abstract class: DocumentTreeDatabase

new constructor: DocumentTreeDatabase()

new abstract method: DocumentTreeDao folderDao()

new static method: DocumentTreeDatabase getInstance(Context)


new class: DocumentTreeEntity

new constructor: DocumentTreeEntity(String)

new method: String getDocumentFileUri()


new static final field: FileListState MISSING_ROOT


new class: LocalDocumentFileViewFragment

new constructor: LocalDocumentFileViewFragment()

new method: String getFilterText()

new static method: LocalDocumentFileViewFragment newInstance()

new method: boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode, MenuItem)

new method: void onActivityResult(int, int, Intent)

new method: void onAttach(Context)

new method: boolean onBackPressed()

new method: void onConversionFailed(String)

new method: void onConversionFinished(String, boolean)

new method: void onCreate(Bundle)

new method: boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode, Menu)

new method: void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu, MenuInflater)

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

new method: void onDataChanged()

new method: void onDestroy()

new method: void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode)

new method: void onDestroyView()

new method: void onDetach()

new method: void onDrawerOpened()

new method: void onDrawerSlide()

new method: void onExternalFileDeleted(ArrayList<ExternalFileInfo>)

new method: void onExternalFileDuplicated(ExternalFileInfo)

new method: void onExternalFileMerged(ArrayList<FileInfo>, ArrayList<FileInfo>, FileInfo)

new method: void onExternalFileMoved(Map<ExternalFileInfo, Boolean>, ExternalFileInfo)

new method: void onExternalFileMoved(Map<ExternalFileInfo, Boolean>, File)

new method: void onExternalFileRenamed(ExternalFileInfo, ExternalFileInfo)

new method: void onExternalFolderCreated(ExternalFileInfo, ExternalFileInfo)

new method: void onExternalFolderSelected(int, Object, ExternalFileInfo)

new method: void onFileClicked(FileInfo)

new method: boolean onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent)

new method: void onLocalFolderSelected(int, Object, File)

new method: void onLowMemory()

new method: void onMergeConfirmed(ArrayList<FileInfo>, ArrayList<FileInfo>, String)

new method: boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem)

new method: void onPause()

new method: void onPreLaunchViewer()

new method: boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode, Menu)

new method: void onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu)

new method: void onProcessNewIntent()

new method: boolean onQueryTextChange(String)

new method: boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String)

new method: void onResume()

new method: void onRootsRemoved(ArrayList<ExternalFileInfo>)

new method: void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)

new method: void onStart()

new method: void onStop()

new method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)

new method: void resetFileListFilter()

new method: void setLocalFileViewFragmentListener(LocalFileViewFragmentListener)


new method: void setLocalFileViewFragmentListener(LocalFileViewFragmentListener)

removed method: void setLocalFileViewFragmentListener(LocalFileViewFragmentListener)


removed interface: LocalFileViewFragmentListener

removed method: void onLocalFileHidden()

removed method: void onLocalFileShown()


new interface: LocalFileViewFragmentListener

new method: void onLocalFileHidden()

new method: void onLocalFileShown()


new method: String buildPath(String)

removed method: String buildPath()


new static method: void setupDrawer(Context, DrawerLayout, NavigationView, ViewGroup)

removed static method: void setupDrawer(Context, DrawerLayout, NavigationView, LinearLayout)

removed static method: void setupDrawer(Context, DrawerLayout, NavigationView, ConstraintLayout)


new static method: void handleDocumentTreePickerResult(Activity, Uri, ContentResolver, Consumer<Uri>)

new static method: void launchDocumentTreePicker(Fragment)

new static method: void sortDocumentFileList(List<DocumentFile>, Comparator<DocumentFile>)

pdftron-collab package


modified method: LiveData<List<AnnotationEntity>> getAnnotations(String)



public LiveData<List> getAnnotations(String)


public Flowable<List> getAnnotations(String)


new static method: File getXfdfCachePath()


modified method: LiveData<List<AnnotationEntity>> getAnnotations(String)



public abstract LiveData<List> getAnnotations(String)


public abstract Flowable<List> getAnnotations(String)


new static method: String getXfdfFile(String)

new static method: String getXfdfFromFile(String)


modified method: LiveData<List<AnnotationEntity>> getAnnotations()



public LiveData<List> getAnnotations()


public Flowable<List> getAnnotations()

pdftron-collab-wvs package


new method: boolean isStarted()

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