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Android / Changelog / v7.1.2

Version 7.1.2 Changelog (May 6, 2020)


Release Date: May 6, 2020

New features

Redact by searchRedact by page
redact by searchredact by page

rect measurement

  • Point snapping and magnifying glasses are now available when editing measurement annotations
  • Adds 6 new rubber stamp presets


  • Fixed issue where a rectangle annotation may disappear after sharing its screenshot
  • Fixed issue where CollabViewerBuilder was missing some APIs that are in ViewerBuilder
  • Fixed issue where print menu would show up at some situations even when it was disabled
  • Fixed issue where select cloud with no permission would crash in some situations in the collab viewer
  • FreeText annotations are no longer distorted during a resize


PDFViewCtrlTools package


new method: void onFindTextTaskFinished(int, ArrayList<TextSearchResult>, HashMap<TextSearchResult, ArrayList<Double>>)

removed method: void onFindTextTaskFinished(int, ArrayList<TextSearchResult>)


new abstract class: GenericViewerBuilder

new method: Fragment build(Context)

new method: void checkArgs(Context)

new method: Bundle createBundle(Context)

new method: int describeContents()

new method: boolean equals(Object)

new method: int hashCode()

new method: VB usingCacheFolder(boolean)

new method: VB usingConfig(ViewerConfig)

new method: VB usingCustomHeaders(JSONObject)

new method: VB usingCustomToolbar(int[])

new method: VB usingFileType(int)

new method: VB usingNavIcon(int)

new method: VB usingQuitAppMode(boolean)

new method: VB usingTabClass(Class<? extends T>)

new method: VB usingTabHostClass(Class<TH>)

new method: VB usingTabTitle(String)

new method: void writeToParcel(Parcel, int)


removed method: Fragment build(Context)

removed method: void checkArgs(Context)

removed method: Bundle createBundle(Context)

removed method: int describeContents()

removed method: boolean equals(Object)

removed method: int hashCode()

removed method: ViewerBuilder usingCacheFolder(boolean)

removed method: ViewerBuilder usingConfig(ViewerConfig)

removed method: ViewerBuilder usingCustomHeaders(JSONObject)

removed method: ViewerBuilder usingCustomToolbar(int[])

removed method: ViewerBuilder usingFileType(int)

removed method: ViewerBuilder usingNavIcon(int)

removed method: ViewerBuilder usingQuitAppMode(boolean)

removed method: ViewerBuilder usingTabClass(Class<? extends PdfViewCtrlTabFragment>)

removed method: ViewerBuilder usingTabTitle(String)

removed method: void writeToParcel(Parcel, int)

modified class: ViewerBuilder

From:public class ViewerBuilder extends SkeletalFragmentBuilder
To:public class ViewerBuilder extends GenericViewerBuilder<PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment, PdfViewCtrlTabFragment, ViewerBuilder>


new method: boolean isPageStackEnabled()


new method: Builder pageStackEnabled(boolean)


new method: void closeRedactionSearchList()

new method: void closeSideSheet(String)

new method: void openRedactionSearchList(SearchRedactionDialogFragment, int, int)

new method: void openSideSheet(DialogFragment, String, int, int)


new method: void setAppBarVisibilityListener(AppBarVisibilityListener)

new method: void setupRedaction()


new interface: AppBarVisibilityListener

new method: void onAppBarVisibilityChanged(boolean)


new constructor: SearchResultsAdapter(Context, int, ArrayList<TextSearchResult>, ArrayList<String>)

new method: int getItemCount()

new method: void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder, int)

new method: ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int)

new method: void setWholeWord(boolean)

removed method: int getCount()

removed method: View getView(int, View, ViewGroup)

modified class: SearchResultsAdapter

From:public class SearchResultsAdapter extends ArrayAdapter
To:public class SearchResultsAdapter extends Adapter

modified method: Object getItem(int)

From:public Object getItem(int)
To:public TextSearchResult getItem(int)


new class: ViewHolder

new constructor: ViewHolder(View)


new method: void cancelSearch()

new method: void onFindTextTaskFinished(int, ArrayList<TextSearchResult>, HashMap<TextSearchResult, ArrayList<Double>>)

new method: void restartSearch()

removed method: void onFindTextTaskFinished(int, ArrayList<TextSearchResult>)


new class: PageRedactionDialogFragment

new constructor: PageRedactionDialogFragment()

new static final field: String TAG

new static method: PageRedactionDialogFragment newInstance(int, int)

new static method: PageRedactionDialogFragment newInstance(int, int, int, int)

new method: Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle)


new class: SearchRedactionDialogFragment

new constructor: SearchRedactionDialogFragment()

new static final field: String TAG

new static method: SearchRedactionDialogFragment newInstance()

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

new method: void onFullTextSearchStart()

new method: boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem)

new method: void onRedactionSearchStart()

new method: void onSearchResultClicked(TextSearchResult)

new method: void onSearchResultFound(TextSearchResult)

new method: void setPdfViewCtrl(PDFViewCtrl)


new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_RECT_AREA_MEASURE


new method: EditText getFreeTextEditText()

modified class: AnnotEdit

From:public class AnnotEdit extends Tool implements DialogAnnotNoteListener,InlineEditTextListener,TextWatcher,OnAnnotStyleChangeListener
To:public class AnnotEdit extends BaseTool implements DialogAnnotNoteListener,InlineEditTextListener,TextWatcher,OnAnnotStyleChangeListener


new static final field: int LOUPE_RADIUS

new static final field: int LOUPE_SIZE

new static final field: int LOUPE_TYPE_MEASURE

new static final field: int LOUPE_TYPE_TEXT


new static method: Rect getDefaultRect(FreeText)

new static method: void putDefaultRect(FreeText, Rect)


new class: RectAreaMeasureCreate

new constructor: RectAreaMeasureCreate(PDFViewCtrl)

new method: int getCreateAnnotType()

new method: ToolModeBase getToolMode()

new method: boolean onDown(MotionEvent)

new method: void onDraw(Canvas, Matrix)

new method: boolean onMove(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float)

new method: boolean onUp(MotionEvent, PriorEventMode)

new method: void setupAnnotProperty(AnnotStyle)


new method: RedactionManager getRedactionManager()

removed method: void handleAnnotationChanged(String, boolean, JSONArray)

removed method: void handleGotNewAnnotationData(String, String, String, String, String)

removed method: void handleUnreadMessageCountChanged(JSONArray)


new static final field: ToolMode RECT_AREA_MEASURE_CREATE


new static method: File createPdfFromView(View, int, int, File)

new static method: boolean isRectAreaMeasure(Annot)

new static method: void setStyle(Annot, boolean, int, int, float, float)


new static method: void drawPolygon(PDFViewCtrl, int, Canvas, ArrayList<PointF>, Path, Paint, int, Paint, int, Matrix)


new static field: String K_RECT_AREA


new static final field: String KEY_PREF_EDIT_URI_BACKUP_FILE_PATH


new static method: String getEditUriBackupFilePath(Context)

new static method: boolean getShowAnnotationIndicator(Context)

new static method: void setAutoSelectAnnotation(Context, boolean)

new static method: void setCopyAnnotatedTextToNote(Context, boolean)

new static method: void setFreeTextFonts(Context, Set<String>)

new static method: void setInkSmoothing(Context, boolean)

new static method: void setShowAnnotationIndicator(Context, boolean)

new static method: void updateEditUriBackupFilePath(Context, String)


new class: RedactionManager

new constructor: RedactionManager(PDFViewCtrl)

new method: void destroy()

new method: void openPageRedactionDialog()

new method: void openRedactionBySearchDialog()

new method: void redactPages(ArrayList<Integer>)

new method: void redactSearchResults(ArrayList<Pair<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>>)


new static method: PointF[] getVerticesFromPoly(PDFViewCtrl, Polygon, int)


new static method: void jumpToRect(PDFViewCtrl, Rect, int)


new class: RedactionEvent

new method: Type getEventType()

new method: ArrayList<Integer> getPages()

new method: ArrayList<Pair<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>> getSearchResults()

new method: void setPages(ArrayList<Integer>)

new method: void setSearchResults(ArrayList<Pair<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>>)

new method: void setSelectedItem(TextSearchResult)


new final class: Type

new static final field: Type REDACT_BY_PAGE

new static final field: Type REDACT_BY_SEARCH

new static final field: Type REDACT_BY_SEARCH_CLOSE_CLICKED

new static final field: Type REDACT_BY_SEARCH_ITEM_CLICKED

new static final field: Type REDACT_BY_SEARCH_OPEN_SHEET

new static method: Type valueOf(String)

new static method: Type[] values()


new class: RedactionViewModel

new constructor: RedactionViewModel(Application)

new final method: Observable<RedactionEvent> getObservable()

new method: void onRedactByPage(ArrayList<Integer>)

new method: void onRedactBySearch(ArrayList<Pair<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>>)

new method: void onRedactBySearchCloseClicked()

new method: void onRedactBySearchItemClicked(TextSearchResult)

new method: void onRedactBySearchOpenSheet()


new method: InputFilter[] getDefaultInputFilters()

new method: InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo)

new method: void setBackgroundColor(int)

new method: void setDefaultRect(Rect)


new constructor: SelectionLoupe(PDFViewCtrl, int)

new method: void setup(Bitmap, float)


new class: RedactionSearchResultsAdapter

new constructor: RedactionSearchResultsAdapter(Context, int, ArrayList<TextSearchResult>, ArrayList<String>)

new method: void addSelected(int)

new method: void deselectAll()

new method: HashSet<Integer> getSelected()

new method: boolean isAllSelected()

new method: boolean isSelected(int)

new method: void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder, int)

new method: ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int)

new method: void removeSelected(int)

new method: void selectAll()


new class: RedactionSearchResultsView

new constructor: RedactionSearchResultsView(Context)

new constructor: RedactionSearchResultsView(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: RedactionSearchResultsView(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new method: void deselectAll()

new method: Rect getRectForResult(TextSearchResult)

new method: ArrayList<Pair<Integer, ArrayList<Double>>> getSelections()

new method: boolean isAllSelected()

new method: void restartSearch()

new method: void selectAll()

new method: void setRedactionSearchResultsListener(RedactionSearchResultsListener)

new method: void toggleSelection()


new interface: RedactionSearchResultsListener

new method: void onRedactionSearchStart()

pdftron-collab package


new method: void sendAnnotation(String, String, String, String, String)

removed method: void sendAnnotation(String, String, String, String)


new method: void sendAnnotation(String, String, ArrayList<AnnotationEntity>, String, String)

removed method: void sendAnnotation(String, ArrayList<AnnotationEntity>, String, String)


new method: String getLastXfdf()

new method: void sendAnnotation(String, String, ArrayList<AnnotationEntity>, String, String)

removed method: void sendAnnotation(String, ArrayList<AnnotationEntity>, String, String)


removed method: Fragment build(Context)

removed method: Bundle createBundle(Context)

removed method: int describeContents()

removed method: CollabViewerBuilder usingConfig(ViewerConfig)

removed method: CollabViewerBuilder usingTabClass(Class<? extends CollabViewerTabFragment>)

removed method: void writeToParcel(Parcel, int)

modified class: CollabViewerBuilder

From:public class CollabViewerBuilder extends SkeletalFragmentBuilder
To:public class CollabViewerBuilder extends GenericViewerBuilder<CollabViewerTabHostFragment, CollabViewerTabFragment, CollabViewerBuilder>


new static final field: String XFDF_ADD

new static final field: String XFDF_DELETE

new static final field: String XFDF_MODIFY


new method: void sendAnnotation(String, String, String, String)

removed method: void sendAnnotation(String, String, String)

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