React Native
Package samples
Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Version 8
Version 7
Version 6
Version 5
Release Date: December 2, 2020
This release of Apryse for Android brings the core PDF functionality inline with version 8.1.0 of the Apryse cross-platform APIs. More information can be found on What's new for cross-platform APIs.
did not work properly when building custom toolbarsprovider_paths.xml
new method: int numberOfAnnotPresetStyles(Context, int)
new method: int[] getHideThumbnailFilterModes()
new method: boolean isImageInReflowEnabled()
new method: boolean isShowFileAttachmentOption()
new method: boolean isShowQuickNavigationButton()
new method: Builder hideThumbnailFilterModes(FilterModes[])
new method: Builder imageInReflowEnabled(boolean)
new method: Builder showFileAttachmentOption(boolean)
new method: Builder showQuickNavigationButton(boolean)
new method: boolean handleKeyUp(int, KeyEvent)
new method: void setThumbSliderVisible(boolean, boolean, boolean)
new method: void setToolbarSwitcherVisible(boolean)
new method: void setImageInReflowEnabled(boolean)
new method: void setImageInReflowEnabled(boolean)
new static method: ThumbnailsViewFragment newInstance(boolean, boolean, int[])
new final class: FilterModes
new static final field: FilterModes ANNOTATED
new static final field: FilterModes BOOKMARKED
new method: int getValue()
new static method: FilterModes valueOf(String)
new static method: FilterModes[] values()
new static field: boolean HANDLE_INTENT_IN_ACTIVITY
new static method: DigitalSignatureViewModel getViewModel(FragmentActivity)
new static method: boolean isDigitalSignatureIntent(int)
new method: void onDestroy()
new method: void setActivityResultIntent(int, int, Intent)
new method: String getToolbarName(Context)
removed method: String getToolbarName()
new method: String getToolbarTagWithButtonId(int)
new static final field: int CUSTOM_RECT_REDACTION
new method: boolean isEnabled()
new method: void setEnabled(boolean)
new static method: void launchEmailIntent(Context, String)
new static method: void launchPhoneIntent(Context, String)
new static method: void launchWebPageIntent(Context, String)
new static method: void applyRedaction(PDFViewCtrl, Redaction, ArrayList<Redaction>)
new static method: void deleteAllAnnotsByType(PDFDoc, int)
new static method: ArrayList<Pair<Redaction, Integer>> getAllRedactions(PDFViewCtrl)
new static method: ArrayList<Redaction> getRedactionArray(Redaction, int)
new static final field: String KEY_PREF_NEW_UI_SHOW_TAB_BAR
new static method: boolean getShowTabBarForNewUI(Context)
new static method: void setShowTabBarForNewUI(Context, boolean)
new method: void applyRedaction()
new static final field: int DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_IMAGE
removed static final field: int DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEYSTORE_IMAGE
new static method: boolean canHandleShortcut(ToolManager, int, KeyEvent)
new static method: ButtonId getButtonId(ToolManager, int, KeyEvent)
new static method: Uri openImageIntent(Activity, int)
new static method: Uri openImageIntent(Fragment, int)
new method: void addAnnotToHide(Annot)
new method: void removeAnnotToHide(Annot)
new method: boolean shouldHideAnnot(Annot)
removed method: void addAnnotToHide(String)
removed method: void removeAnnotToHide(String)
removed method: boolean shouldHideAnnot(String)
new class: ViewerShortcutViewModel
new constructor: ViewerShortcutViewModel()
new method: void observeKeyboardEvents(LifecycleOwner, Observer<KeyboardShortcut>)
new method: void setKeyboardEvent(int, KeyEvent)
new class: KeyboardShortcut
new constructor: KeyboardShortcut(int, KeyEvent)
new method: KeyEvent getEvent()
new method: int getKeyCode()
new static final field: int MAX_NUMBER_OF_PRESETS
removed static final field: int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PRESETS
new method: void setCanShowPageIndicator(boolean)
new method: String getToolbarName(Context)
new static method: void removeItems(List<ToolbarItem>, Set<ToolMode>)
new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder setToolbarName(int)
removed method: String getToolbarName()
new static final field: ToolbarButtonType RECT_REDACTION
new static final field: ToolbarButtonType TEXT_REDACTION
new static method: ToolbarButtonType valueOf(int)
new method: void addToolbarLeftOptionalContainer(View)
new method: void clearOptionalToolbarContainer()
new method: void showEditToolbar(ToolMode, Annot, int, boolean)
removed method: void onEditToolbarDismissed()
modified class: AnnotationToolbarComponent
Declaration | |
From: | public class AnnotationToolbarComponent implements OnEditToolbarListener,OnEditToolbarListener |
To: | public class AnnotationToolbarComponent implements OnEditToolbarListener |
new static final field: String TAG_REDACTION_TOOLBAR
new static field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder defaultRedactionToolbar
new static final field: ButtonId RECT_REDACTION
new static final field: ButtonId REDACT_PAGE
new static final field: ButtonId REDACT_SEARCH
new static final field: ButtonId TEXT_REDACTION
removed method: void showEditToolbar(ToolMode, Annot, int, Bundle)
new method: LinkedHashMap<String, List<ToolbarItem>> getAllDefaultToolbarItems(Context)
new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getRedactToolbar(Context)
new static method: int getToolbarStringResByName(Context, String)
removed method: LinkedHashMap<String, List<ToolbarItem>> getAllDefaultToolbarItems()
removed static method: int getToolbarStringResByName(String)
new static field: boolean AUTO_PAD_TOOLBAR
new method: void addToolbarLeftOptionalContainer(View)
new method: void clearOptionalContainers()
new method: void addToolbarLeftOptionalContainer(View)
new method: void clearOptionContainers()
new method: boolean isEditingAnnotation()
new method: void setEditingAnnotation(boolean)
new static final field: Migration MIGRATION_1_2
new field: int buttonId
new method: AnnotationCompletionListener getAnnotationCompletionListener()
new method: void setAnnotationCompletionListener(AnnotationCompletionListener)
new interface: AnnotationCompletionListener
new method: void onRemoteChangeImported()
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