React Native
Package samples
Version 11
Version 10
Version 9
Version 8
Version 7
Version 6
Version 5
Release Date: July 13, 2020
method now returns a boolean. It is now possible to have custom error handling when a document failed to open. Return false to keep the default method: ToolManagerBuilder setMultiSelectMode(SelectionMode)
new method: void setOnDismissListener(OnDialogDismissListener)
modified method: void onOpenDocError()
Declaration | |
From: | public void onOpenDocError() |
To: | public boolean onOpenDocError() |
modified method: void onOpenDocError()
Declaration | |
From: | public void onOpenDocError() |
To: | public boolean onOpenDocError() |
modified method: void onOpenDocError()
Declaration | |
From: | public void onOpenDocError() |
To: | public boolean onOpenDocError() |
modified method: void onOpenDocError()
Declaration | |
From: | public abstract void onOpenDocError() |
To: | public abstract boolean onOpenDocError() |
new method: void onSignatureCreated(String, boolean)
removed method: void onSignatureCreated(String)
new static method: boolean getStoreSignature(Context)
new static method: CreateSignatureFragment newInstance(int, float, boolean, boolean, boolean, HashMap<Integer, AnnotStyleProperty>)
new method: void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration)
removed static method: CreateSignatureFragment newInstance(int, float, boolean, boolean, HashMap<Integer, AnnotStyleProperty>)
new method: void onSignatureCreated(String, boolean)
removed method: void onSignatureCreated(String)
new final class: DialogMode
new static final field: DialogMode MODE_CREATE
new static final field: DialogMode MODE_SAVED
new static method: DialogMode valueOf(String)
new static method: DialogMode[] values()
new method: void onSignatureCreated(String, boolean)
removed method: void onSignatureCreated(String)
new method: boolean isBasicFreeText()
new constructor: AnnotEditRectGroup(PDFViewCtrl, SelectionMode)
new method: void setSelectionMode(SelectionMode)
new final class: SelectionMode
new static final field: SelectionMode LASSO
new static final field: SelectionMode RECTANGULAR
new static method: SelectionMode valueOf(String)
new static method: SelectionMode[] values()
new method: void setScreenRect(double, double, double, double, int)
new method: SelectionMode getMultiSelectMode()
new method: boolean isSignSignatureFieldsWithStamps()
new method: void setMultiSelectMode(SelectionMode)
new method: void setSignSignatureFieldsWithStamps(boolean)
new static final field: String XFDF_ADD
new static final field: String XFDF_DELETE
new static final field: String XFDF_MODIFY
new static method: void createCustomFreeTextAppearance(View, PDFViewCtrl, Annot, int, Rect, boolean)
new static method: Rect getPageRectFromScreenRect(PDFViewCtrl, Rect, int, int)
new static method: boolean isBasicFreeText(Annot)
new static method: boolean refreshCustomFreeTextAppearance(File, Annot)
new static method: JSONObject simpleXmlParser(String)
new static method: void traverseAnnotsWithPage(PDFDoc, AnnotWithPageVisitor)
new static method: void traverseAnnotsWithPage(Page, AnnotWithPageVisitor)
removed static method: boolean refreshCustomRichFreeTextAppearance(File, Annot)
new interface: AnnotWithPageVisitor
new method: void visit(Pair<Annot, Integer>)
new method: void deleteSignature(Context, String)
new static method: boolean hasInternetConnection(Context)
new method: void removeView()
new method: void loadFont(AnnotViewImplListener)
removed method: void loadFont()
new interface: AnnotViewImplListener
new method: void fontLoaded()
new method: void setUseAutoResize(boolean)
modified method: void onOpenDocError()
Declaration | |
From: | public void onOpenDocError() |
To: | public boolean onOpenDocError() |
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