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Web / Guides / Customization through Config
There are two ways of adding customization to WebViewer, the first way is by accessing the WebViewer instance within your app and the second is by using a config file , which is a stand-alone JavaScript file executed inside WebViewer's iframe .
You can organize your custom code in a separate JavaScript file that is executed in the context of the iframe . In this way, you have direct access to the iframe window and document, and you can use WebViewer's global methods directly. More details about config files can be found here .
Config files are recommended when you are hosting the WebViewer lib folder on a separate server from your application. Since the config file is executed directly in the iframe there are no cross origin issues.
// app.js
// Instantiate WebViewer
path: '',
licenseKey: 'Insert commercial license key here after purchase'
initialDoc: '/files/webviewer-demo-annotated.pdf',
config: 'config.js' // path/to/your/config.js
}, document.getElementById('viewer'));
// config.js executed inside the iframe
instance.UI.addEventListener(instance.UI.Events.VIEWER_LOADED, () => {
const { documentViewer, annotationManager } = instance.Core;
// Add customization here
documentViewer.addEventListener('fitModeUpdated', fitMode => {
console.log('fit mode changed');
instance.UI.addEventListener(instance.UI.Events.DOCUMENT_LOADED, () => {
const { documentViewer, annotationManager } = instance.Core;
// Add customization here
// Draw rectangle annotation on first page
// "Annotations" can be directly accessed since we're inside the iframe
const rectangle = new Annotations.RectangleAnnotation();
rectangle.PageNumber = 1;
rectangle.X = 100;
rectangle.Y = 100;
rectangle.Width = 250;
rectangle.Height = 250;
rectangle.Author = annotationManager.getCurrentUser();
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