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Web / Guides
To create a new signature field with required flag and a signature widget annotation.
.then(instance => {
const { annotationManager, Annotations } = instance.Core;
const { WidgetFlags } = Annotations;
// myBtn is your own custom button
document.getElementById('myBtn').addEventListener('click', () => {
// set flags for required
const flags = new WidgetFlags();
flags.set('Required', true);
// create a form field
const field = new Annotations.Forms.Field("some signature field name", {
type: 'Sig',
// create a widget annotation
const widgetAnnot = new Annotations.SignatureWidgetAnnotation(field, {
appearance: '_DEFAULT',
appearances: {
Normal: {
offset: {
x: 100,
y: 100,
// set position and size
widgetAnnot.PageNumber = 1;
widgetAnnot.X = 100;
widgetAnnot.Y = 100;
widgetAnnot.Width = 50;
widgetAnnot.Height = 20;
//add the form field and widget annotation
Starting in WebViewer 8.9, you can create a Signature Widget that accepts initials. If a signature widget is flagged as requiresInitials
, it will apply the initials created by the user in the signature modal . This optional parameter can be passed when instantiating a Signature Widget. Please note that the initials feature must be enabled in order for this to be displayed in the viewer. For a sample on how to do this refer to this guide .
.then(instance => {
const { annotationManager, Annotations } = instance.Core;
const { WidgetFlags } = Annotations;
// myBtn is your own custom button
document.getElementById('myBtn').addEventListener('click', () => {
// set flags for required
const flags = new WidgetFlags();
flags.set('Required', true);
// create a form field
const field = new Annotations.Forms.Field("some signature field name", {
type: 'Sig',
// create a widget annotation
const widgetAnnot = new Annotations.SignatureWidgetAnnotation(field, {
appearance: '_DEFAULT',
appearances: {
Normal: {
offset: {
x: 100,
y: 100,
// If this option is passed, the widget will apply any
// initials created by the user in the Signature Modal
requiresInitials: true,
// set position and size
widgetAnnot.PageNumber = 1;
widgetAnnot.X = 100;
widgetAnnot.Y = 100;
widgetAnnot.Width = 50;
widgetAnnot.Height = 20;
//add the form field and widget annotation
Create fillable PDF forms
Full sample code demonstrating how to add form fields to a PDF. Fields are first added as annotations and then converted to interactive form fields. Add signatures, text fields, checkboxes.
Available widget flags are:
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