WebViewer allows you to generate PDFs from DOCX, XLSX, or PPTX templates. Templates can be created in any application, and replaceable content is defined with {{
curly brackets. The data can be merged from any data source in JSON format. Conversion from MS Office template, data merging is happening client-side without any server-side dependencies.
You can watch the video below that walks you through it or check out this branch of our React sample for a full sample.
Template can be DOCX, XLSX, or PPTX format with {{placeholders}}
defined. Placeholders will preserve their original styling and can be replaced with text, images, or tabular data. The content will automatically reflow based on content length and paginate accordingly.
The placeholders can be automatically detected with API to get the template keys.
Here is a sample of the JSON data complete with table data to insert rows.
After the data is prepared, it is now ready to be merged.
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