2 <script src="../lib/core/CoreControls.js"></script>
3 <script src="../lib/core/pdf/PDFNet.js"></script>
4 <script>
5 (async function() {
6 CoreControls.setWorkerPath('../lib/core');
8 async function AddPackage(doc, file, desc) {
9 const files = await PDFNet.NameTree.create(doc.getSDFDoc(), "EmbeddedFiles");
10 const fs = await PDFNet.FileSpec.create(doc, file, true);
11 var key = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(file);
12 files.put(key, fs.getSDFObj());
13 fs.getSDFObj().putText("Desc", desc);
15 var collection = doc.getRoot().findObj("Collection");
16 if (!collection) collection = doc.getRoot().putDict("Collection");
18 // You could here manipulate any entry in the Collection dictionary.
19 // For example, the following line sets the tile mode for initial view mode
20 // Please refer to section '2.3.5 Collections' in PDF Reference for details.
21 collection.putName("View", "T");
22 }
23 var doc = await PDFNet.PDFDoc.create();
24 await AddPackage(doc, filename, "PDF");
25 await AddPackage(doc, imagename, "Image");
26 })()
27 </script>