Setting up WebViewer for real-time document collaboration

  1. Download the WebViewer SDK and unzip the package.
  1. Copy lib/ folder to a location on your web server.
  2. Create an HTML page.
  3. Add the WebViewer script to the <head> of the HTML page.


1<script src="lib/webviewer.min.js"></script>
  1. Add necessary scripts server methods. In this guide, we are going to include Firebase library and a separate file named server.js


1<script src=""></script>
2<script src="server.js"></script>
  1. Add a script to initiate and use WebViewer.


1<script src="main.js"></script>
  1. Create a <div> tag in the HTML <body> and give it an id. This will be the container for the WebViewer


1<div id="viewer"></div>

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