This release of Apryse for Xamarin brings the core PDF functionality and iOS and Android Tools functionality inline with version 7.0.3 of the iOS and Android SDKs. More information can be found on What's New for iOS and What's New for Android.
New features
Text file with .txt extension is now supported
Annotations can now optionally snap to square and aspect ratio
Fixed issue where selection handle looks strange on some devices
Fixed issue where reflow control does not update font size when turning pages in certain cases
Fixed issue where the same page can be added to the user bookmarks multiple times
Fixed issue where form toolbar always shows regardless of the configuration
Fixed issue where saved signatures will come back after deleting them
Fixed issue where FreeText is still removed even when setDeleteEmptyFreeText is set to false
Fixed issue where signature does not appear in certain situations on slow devices
Fixed infinite loop when trying to use signature tool while it is disabled
New features
The bookmark/Outline/Annotation lists are shown side-by-side with the document on iPads. This is the new default behavior, which can be controlled with the PTDocumentViewController class's alwaysShowNavigationListsAsModal property.
Thumbnail view can now filter to show only annotated or bookmarked pages.
Annotations are now selected instantly when tapped (without waiting to see if a double tap will occur).
Full support for iOS 13 text selection gestures.
PencilKit markup annotations are now saved back with higher quality.
Annotations are can now be precisely repositioned with ease.
Ability to resize an annotation while maintaining its aspect ratio.