This release of Apryse for Xamarin brings the core PDF functionality and iOS and Android Tools functionality inline with version 7.0.0 of the iOS and Android SDKs. More information can be found on What's New for iOS and What's New for Android.
New features
Style editor is now available for text form field, supported style properties are: text color, text size, and font
Adds ability to group selected annotations, ungroup an existing group and comment on a group. When creating a group, the most recently added annotation within the selected annotations will be treated as the primary annotation
Custom HTTP/HTTPS request headers are now supported when using ViewerBuilder
Custom navigation icon is now supported when using DocumentActivity
Fixed issue where stamp rotation behaves strangely when the annotation toolbar is open
Fixed issue where signature bounding box is larger than it needs
New features
Added undo/redo support for the PTPDFViewCtrl and Tools project.
Date, time, and numeric form fields now show a date, time, or number picker when activated.