This release of Apryse for Xamarin brings the core PDF functionality and iOS and Android Tools functionality inline with version 7.1.0 of the iOS and Android SDKs. More information can be found on What's New for iOS and What's New for Android.
New features
New built-in support for PPT format, can now view and convert these files to pdf
Adds support for viewing Viewer Optimized PDF files, see guide: Viewer Optimized PDF
Adds new fill and sign toolbar with 2 new utility FreeText tools: FreeTextSpacingCreate and FreeTextDateCreate, as well as 3 stamp utility tools: check mark, cross mark and dot
Ability to scroll and zoom while drawing with PencilKit.
A new freehand highlighter tool. This uses "multiply blend" to ensure dark PDF content remains dark, and is particularly useful when highlighting scanned documents.
Support for viewer-optimized PDFs, where a remote document can be loaded in ~3 seconds, regardless of size or page complexity.
Support for viewing XPS and XOD files. (XOD is a web-optimized file format used by some deployments of WebViewer).
Automatic initialization: it is no longer necessary to call PDFNet.initialize on startup when running in demo mode. (It is still required to register a purchased license key.)
Core cross-platform improvements including:
Digital signature verification.
Much improved conversion quality for PPT files, and improved conversion quality for all other Office file formats.