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Hamburger Icon

Android / Changelog / v7.1.5

Version 7.1.5 Changelog (August 18, 2020)


Release Date: August 18, 2020

New features

  • Theme overhaul, CustomAppTheme is no longer required to be hard coded as-is in your application. All UI components are now mapped to specific attributes that you can define in your application. Then the theme will be passed into the viewer with ViewerBuilder.usingTheme. It is also possible to continue what you are currently doing, see breaking change section for how to upgrade

Breaking changes

  • Theme has been reworked so you will no longer need to have a theme called CustomAppTheme in your application. ViewerBuilder now accepts a custom theme with usingTheme API. However, if you are currently overriding CustomAppTheme in your application, to upgrade to this version you will need to change the parent theme of your CustomAppTheme or custom theme to use CustomAppThemeBase. Otherwise you will need to define all the custom attributes described in the theme guide .

Typically, all you need to do is changing the parent theme of CustomAppTheme in your application to CustomAppThemeBase:

<style name="CustomAppTheme" parent="CustomAppThemeBase">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/app_color_primary_day</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/app_color_primary_dark_day</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/app_color_accent</item>

If you are experiencing issues with upgrading, please don't hesitate to contact us.


  • It is now possible to sign on signature widget created by another user in collaboration environment
  • Fixed issue where signature dialog was showing up even when no signing permission was allowed
  • Fixed placement issue with CustomRelativeLayout in double page view mode
  • Fixed issue where disableTools API was not working properly for non-PDF documents
  • Fixed issue where free text appearance was not applied properly when writing in the popup window
  • Fixed issue where file attachment annotation appeared to be bigger than usual
  • Fixed issue where password layout appears in wrong color in dark mode
  • Fixed issue where stamp rotation handle was showing even when the annotation no-rotate flag is on
  • Fixed potential crash when exit reflow mode


PDFViewCtrlTools package


new method: void onCustomStampSelected(String, Obj)

new method: void onRubberStampSelected(String, Obj)

new method: void setTheme(int)

removed method: void onCustomStampSelected(Obj)

removed method: void onRubberStampSelected(Obj)


new method: Set<ToolMode> getDisabledToolModes(Context)


new static field: String KEY_PREF_PRESET_INDEX

new method: AnnotStyle getAnnotPresetStyle(Context, int, int, String)

new method: int getLastSelectedPresetIndex(Context, int, String)

new method: void setLastSelectedPresetIndex(Context, int, String, int)


new method: Object usingTheme(int)

modified class: ViewerBuilder

From:public class ViewerBuilder extends SkeletalFragmentBuilder
To:public class ViewerBuilder extends SkeletalFragmentBuilder implements ViewerBuilderInterface


new class: ViewerBuilder2


new interface: ViewerBuilderInterface<T>

new method: T usingCacheFolder(boolean)

new method: T usingConfig(ViewerConfig)

new method: T usingCustomHeaders(JSONObject)

new method: T usingCustomToolbar(int[])

new method: T usingFileType(int)

new method: T usingNavIcon(int)

new method: T usingQuitAppMode(boolean)

new method: T usingTabTitle(String)

new method: T usingTheme(int)


new method: String getInitialToolbarTag()

new method: List<AnnotationToolbarBuilder> getToolbarBuilders()

new method: String[] getToolbarsToHide()

new method: boolean isRememberLastToolbar()

new method: boolean isRememberLastUsedTool()

new method: boolean isShowBottomToolbar()

new method: boolean isShowToolbarSwitcher()


new method: Builder addToolbarBuilder(AnnotationToolbarBuilder)

new method: Builder hideToolbars(String[])

new method: Builder rememberLastUsedTool(boolean)

new method: Builder rememberLastUsedToolbar(boolean)

new method: Builder setInitialToolbarTag(String)

new method: Builder showBottomToolbar(boolean)

new method: Builder showToolbarSwitcher(boolean)


removed method: void dismiss(boolean)

removed method: void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration)

removed method: Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle)

removed method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)

removed method: void setOnDismissListener(OnDismissListener)

removed method: void show(FragmentManager)

removed method: void show(FragmentManager, int, String)

modified class: AnnotStyleDialogFragment

From:public class AnnotStyleDialogFragment extends DialogFragment implements OnPresetSelectedListener,AnnotStyleHolder
To:public class AnnotStyleDialogFragment extends BaseBottomDialogFragment implements OnPresetSelectedListener,AnnotStyleHolder


new method: Builder setShowPreset(boolean)


new method: void setShowPreset(boolean)


new method: int getTabLayoutBackgroundDialog()

new method: int getTabLayoutBackgroundSheet()


new method: void setOnTabModificationListener(OnTabModificationListener)


new interface: OnTabModificationListener<T

new method: void onTabAdded(T)

new method: void onTabRemoved(T)


new method: void onDismiss(DialogInterface)

new method: void setDialogDismissListener(DialogDismissListener)


new interface: DialogDismissListener

new method: void onMenuEditorDialogDismiss()


new static final field: String EXTRA_NEW_UI

new static final field: String EXTRA_UI_THEME

new static method: void openDocument(Context, Uri, String, JSONObject, ViewerConfig, int, boolean)


new class: IntentBuilder

new method: Intent build()

new static method: IntentBuilder fromActivityClass(Context, Class<? extends DocumentActivity>)

new method: IntentBuilder usingConfig(ViewerConfig)

new method: IntentBuilder usingCustomHeaders(JSONObject)

new method: IntentBuilder usingNavIcon(int)

new method: IntentBuilder usingNewUi(boolean)

new method: IntentBuilder usingPassword(String)

new method: IntentBuilder usingTheme(int)

new method: IntentBuilder withFileRes(int)

new method: IntentBuilder withUri(Uri)

new method: IntentBuilder withUris(ArrayList<Uri>)


new class: DocumentView2


new method: void setOnEditToolbarChangeListener(OnEditToolbarChangedListener)

modified class: EditToolbar

From:public class EditToolbar extends InsectHandlerToolbar
To:public class EditToolbar extends InsectHandlerToolbar implements BaseEditToolbar


new interface: OnEditToolbarChangedListener

new method: void onOrientationChanged()


new constructor: EditToolbarImpl(FragmentActivity, BaseEditToolbar, ToolManager, ToolMode, Annot, int, boolean, Bundle)

new method: boolean canRedo()

new method: boolean canUndo()

new method: ToolMode getToolMode()


new method: void queryTextSubmit(String, int)


new method: boolean isVertical()

new method: void setOnSeekBarChangeListener(OnSeekBarChangeListener)

new synchronized method: void setProgress(int)

new method: void setVertical(boolean)


new abstract class: PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment


modified class: PdfViewCtrlTabFragment

From:public class PdfViewCtrlTabFragment extends Fragment implements PageChangeListener,DocumentDownloadListener,UniversalDocumentConversionListener,DocumentLoadListener,RenderingListener,UniversalDocumentProgressIndicatorListener,PreToolManagerListener,QuickMenuListener,AnnotationModificationListener,PdfDocModificationListener,BasicAnnotationListener,OnGenericMotionEventListener,ToolChangedListener,AdvancedAnnotationListener,OnReflowTapListener,OnThumbnailSliderTrackingListener,OnUndoRedoListener,PortfolioDialogFragmentListener
To:public class PdfViewCtrlTabFragment extends PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment implements OnThumbnailSliderTrackingListener,OnUndoRedoListener


new class: PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2


new interface: TabListener


new abstract class: PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment


modified class: PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment

From:public class PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment extends Fragment implements TabListener,AnnotationToolbarListener,QuickMenuListener,BaseOnTabSelectedListener,SearchResultsListener,ViewModePickerDialogFragmentListener,BookmarksDialogListener,BookmarksTabsListener,UserCropSelectionDialogFragmentListener,OnUserCropDialogDismissListener,AutoCropTaskListener,OnThumbnailsViewDialogDismissListener,OnThumbnailsEditAttemptWhileReadOnlyListener,OnExportThumbnailsListener,OnLayoutChangeListener,OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener
To:public class PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment extends PdfViewCtrlTabHostBaseFragment implements TabListener,AnnotationToolbarListener

modified method: PdfViewCtrlTabFragment getCurrentPdfViewCtrlFragment()

From:public PdfViewCtrlTabFragment getCurrentPdfViewCtrlFragment()
To:public PdfViewCtrlTabBaseFragment getCurrentPdfViewCtrlFragment()


new class: PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2


new interface: AppBarVisibilityListener


new interface: OnToolbarChangedListener

new method: void onToolbarChanged(String)


new interface: ReflowControlListener


new interface: TabHostListener


new method: void setShowAllColors(boolean)

new method: void setShowHighlightColors(boolean)


new static final field: int FOLLOW_PDFVIEWCTRL


new method: void setTheme(int)


new abstract class: BaseBottomDialogFragment

new constructor: BaseBottomDialogFragment()

new method: void dismiss()

new method: void dismiss(boolean)

new method: void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration)

new method: void onCreate(Bundle)

new method: Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle)

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

new method: void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)

new method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)

new method: void onViewStateRestored(Bundle)

new method: void setOnDismissListener(OnDismissListener)

new method: void show(FragmentManager)

new method: void show(FragmentManager, int, String)


new static method: void updateDiff(PdfViewCtrlTabFragment2, ArrayList<Uri>, int, int, int)

removed static method: void updateDiff(PdfViewCtrlTabFragment, ArrayList<Uri>, int, int, int)


new class: MenuCreatorAdapter

new constructor: MenuCreatorAdapter()

new method: void insert(MenuEditorItem, int)

new method: void notifyPinnedItemsChanged()

new method: void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder, int)

new method: void onItemDrop(int, int)

new method: boolean onItemMove(int, int)

new method: void setOnDragListener(OnDragListener)

new method: void setOnItemActionListener(OnItemActionListener)


new interface: OnItemActionListener

new method: void onItemDrop()

new method: void onItemMove(int)


new class: MenuCreatorDialogFragment

new constructor: MenuCreatorDialogFragment()

new static final field: String TAG

new static method: MenuCreatorDialogFragment newInstance()

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

new method: boolean onDrag(View, DragEvent)

new method: void onItemDrop()

new method: void onItemMove(int)

new method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)


new method: MenuEditorItem getItem(int)

new method: boolean isDragging()


new static method: MenuEditorDialogFragment newInstance(String)


new method: LiveData<ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>> getAllItemsLiveData()

new method: LiveData<ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>> getPinnedItemsLiveData()

new method: void setAllItems(ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>)

new method: void setPinnedItems(ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>)


new constructor: MenuEditorItemContent(int, ToolbarButtonType, String, Drawable)

new method: ToolbarButtonType getToolbarButtonType()


new static final field: String BUNDLE_EXTRA

new static method: TextInputDialog newInstance(int, int, int, int, int, Bundle)


new constructor: TextInputResult(int, String, Bundle)

new method: Bundle getExtra()


new class: TabSwitcherAdapter

new constructor: TabSwitcherAdapter()

new method: TabSwitcherItem getItem(int)

new method: int getItemCount()

new method: void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder, int)

new method: ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup, int)

new method: void setData(ArrayList<TabSwitcherItem>)

new method: void setSelectedTab(String)

new method: void setViewModel(TabSwitcherViewModel)


new class: TabSwitcherDialogFragment

new constructor: TabSwitcherDialogFragment()

new static final field: String TAG

new static method: TabSwitcherDialogFragment newInstance(String)

new method: void onCreate(Bundle)

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)

new method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)


new class: TabSwitcherEvent

new method: Type getEventType()

new method: String getTabTag()


new final class: Type

new static final field: Type CLOSE_TAB

new static final field: Type SELECT_TAB

new static method: Type valueOf(String)

new static method: Type[] values()


new class: TabSwitcherViewModel

new constructor: TabSwitcherViewModel(Application)

new method: LiveData<ArrayList<TabSwitcherItem>> getItemsLiveData()

new final method: Observable<TabSwitcherEvent> getObservable()

new method: LiveData<String> getSelectedTag()

new method: void onCloseTab(String)

new method: void onSelectTab(String)

new method: void setItems(ArrayList<TabSwitcherItem>)

new method: void setSelectedTag(String)


new class: TabSwitcherItem

new constructor: TabSwitcherItem(String, String, String)

new method: String getPreviewPath()

new method: String getTabTag()

new method: String getTitle()


new class: ToolbarSwitcherViewModel

new constructor: ToolbarSwitcherViewModel()

new method: ToolbarSwitcherState getState()

new method: void hideToolbar(String)

new method: void observeToolbarSwitcherState(LifecycleOwner, Observer<ToolbarSwitcherState>)

new method: void selectToolbar(String)

new method: void setState(ToolbarSwitcherState)

new method: void showToolbar(String)

new method: void updateCurrentToolbarWithMenuEditorItems(ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>)


new class: ToolbarSwitcherButton

new constructor: ToolbarSwitcherButton(Context)

new constructor: ToolbarSwitcherButton(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: ToolbarSwitcherButton(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new constructor: ToolbarSwitcherButton(Context, AttributeSet, int, int)

new method: void hideSwitcherIcon()

new method: void setText(String)

new method: void showSwitcherIcon()


new class: ToolbarSwitcherButtonTheme

new constructor: ToolbarSwitcherButtonTheme(int, int)

new final field: int iconColor

new final field: int textColor

new static method: ToolbarSwitcherButtonTheme fromContext(Context)


new class: ToolbarSwitcherDialog

new constructor: ToolbarSwitcherDialog()

new static final field: String TAG

new method: View onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)


new class: Builder

new constructor: Builder()

new static final field: Creator<Builder> CREATOR

new method: Fragment build(Context)

new method: void checkArgs(Context)

new method: Bundle createBundle(Context)

new method: int describeContents()

new method: Builder setAnchor(Rect)

new method: Builder setAnchor(RectF)

new method: Builder setAnchorInScreen(Rect)

new method: Builder setAnchorView(View)

new method: void writeToParcel(Parcel, int)


new class: ToolbarSwitcherDialogTheme

new constructor: ToolbarSwitcherDialogTheme(int, int, int, int)

new final field: int backgroundColor

new final field: int iconColor

new final field: int selectedItemBackgroundColor

new final field: int textColor

new static method: ToolbarSwitcherDialogTheme fromContext(Context)


new class: ToolbarSwitcherItem

new constructor: ToolbarSwitcherItem(AnnotationToolbarBuilder)

new final field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder builder

new field: boolean isSelected

new method: int getIcon()

new method: String getTag()

new method: String getToolbarName()

new method: boolean isVisible()

new method: ToolbarSwitcherItem setSelected(boolean)

new method: ToolbarSwitcherItem setVisibility(boolean)

new method: void updateWithMenuEditorItems(ArrayList<MenuEditorItem>)


new class: ToolbarSwitcherState

new constructor: ToolbarSwitcherState(List<ToolbarSwitcherItem>)

new method: ToolbarSwitcherItem get(int)

new method: ToolbarSwitcherItem getSelectedToolbar()

new method: boolean hasMultipleToolbars()

new method: void selectToolbar(String)

new method: void setToolbarVisibility(String, boolean)

new method: int size()

new method: boolean updateToolbarSwitcherItem(ToolbarSwitcherItem)


new method: void onCustomStampSelected(String, Obj)

removed method: void onCustomStampSelected(Obj)


new method: void onRubberStampSelected(String, Obj)

removed method: void onRubberStampSelected(Obj)


new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_CHECKBOX_FIELD

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_CHECKMARK_STAMP

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_COMBO_BOX

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_CROSS_STAMP

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_DOT_STAMP

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_IMAGE_STAMP

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_LASSO_MULTI_SELECT

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_LIST_BOX

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_PAN

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_RADIO_BUTTON

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_RECT_MULTI_SELECT

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_SIGNATURE_FIELD

new static final field: int CUSTOM_ANNOT_TYPE_TEXT_FIELD

new static final field: int CUSTOM_EDIT_TOOLBAR

new static final field: int CUSTOM_TOOL_REDO

new static final field: int CUSTOM_TOOL_UNDO

new method: void bindPreview(ActionButton)

new method: String getStampId()

new method: boolean hasStampId()

new method: boolean isRubberStamp()

new method: boolean isSignature()

new method: void setStampId(String)

removed method: void bindPreview(AnnotationPropertyPreviewView)

modified method: AnnotationPropertyPreviewView getBindedPreview()

From:public AnnotationPropertyPreviewView getBindedPreview()
To:public ActionButton getBindedPreview()


new static final field: String KEY_INDEX

new static method: String getCustomStampBitmapPath(Context, int)

new static method: String getCustomStampsInfo(Context)


new method: void setFile(File)


new static method: String getStandardStampBitmapPath(Context, String)


new method: void onClose()


new method: void enablePresetMode()


new static final field: String sCHECK_MARK_LABEL

new static final field: String sCROSS_LABEL

new static final field: CustomStampPreviewAppearance[] sCustomStampPreviewAppearances

new static final field: String sDOT_LABEL

new static final field: StandardStampPreviewAppearance[] sStandardStampPreviewAppearance

new method: void setupAnnotProperty(AnnotStyle)

new method: void showRubberStampDialogFragment(OnRubberStampSelectedListener, OnDialogDismissListener)


new method: void handleAnnotStyleDialogFragmentDismissed(AnnotStyleDialogFragment)

new method: void onClose()

new method: void onCreate()

new method: void setSignatureFilePath(String)

new method: void setupAnnotProperty(AnnotStyle)

new method: void showSignaturePickerDialog(OnCreateSignatureListener, OnDialogDismissListener)


new static final field: int ANNOT_PERMISSION_FILL_AND_SIGN

new method: void backToDefaultTool()

new method: Bundle getBundle()


new method: void addToolCreatedListener(ToolChangedListener)

new method: void backToDefaultTool()

new method: Tool createTool(ToolModeBase, Tool, Bundle)

new method: Tool createTool(ToolModeBase, Tool, boolean)

new method: Set<ToolMode> getDisabledToolModes()

new method: PresetsListener getPresetsListener()

new method: StampDialogListener getStampDialogListener()

new method: int getTheme()

new method: void removeToolCreatedListener(ToolChangedListener)

new method: void setPresetsListener(PresetsListener)

new method: void setStampDialogListener(StampDialogListener)

new method: void setThemeProvider(ThemeProvider)


new interface: PresetsListener

new method: void onUpdatePresets(int)


new interface: StampDialogListener

new method: void onSaveStampPreset(int, String)


new method: void addUndoRedoStateChangeListener(UndoRedoStateChangeListener)

new method: void clearUndoRedoStateChangeListener()

new method: void notifyUndoRedoStateChange()

new method: void removeUndoRedoStateChangeListener(UndoRedoStateChangeListener)

new method: void setEditToolbarImpl(EditToolbarImpl)


new interface: UndoRedoStateChangeListener

new method: void onStateChanged()


new static method: Bitmap getStandardStampBitmapFromPdf(Context, String, int, int)

new static method: String getStandardStampImageFileFromName(Context, StandardStampPreviewAppearance, int)


new constructor: DialogGoToPage(Context, PDFViewCtrl, DialogGoToPageListener)

removed constructor: DialogGoToPage(PdfViewCtrlTabFragment, Context, PDFViewCtrl, ReflowControl)


new interface: DialogGoToPageListener

new method: void onPageSet(int)


new static method: String getAnnotStylePreset(Context, int, int, String)

new static method: void setAnnotStylePreset(Context, int, int, String, String)


new method: boolean isVertical()


new method: void consumeDelayRemoveSignature(Context)

new method: void setDelayRemoveSignature(String)


new class: ThemeProvider

new constructor: ThemeProvider()

new method: int getTheme()

new method: void setTheme(int)


new method: void setMainToolbar(Toolbar)


new static method: String getImageSignaturePath(Activity, Intent, Uri)

new static method: void importAnnotationCommand(PDFViewCtrl, String)

new static method: boolean isContinuousPageMode(PDFViewCtrl)

new static method: boolean isInFullScreenMode(Context)

new static method: boolean isNonContinuousVerticalPageMode(PDFViewCtrl)

new static method: boolean isSinglePageMode(PDFViewCtrl)


new field: AppBarLayoutListener mListener

new method: void setAppBarLayoutListener(AppBarLayoutListener)


new interface: AppBarLayoutListener

new method: void onVisibilityChanged(View, int)


new class: IgnoreTopInsetFrameLayout

new constructor: IgnoreTopInsetFrameLayout(Context)

new constructor: IgnoreTopInsetFrameLayout(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: IgnoreTopInsetFrameLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new field: IgnoreTopInsetFrameLayoutListener mListener

new method: WindowInsets dispatchApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets)

new method: void setIgnoreTopInsetFrameLayoutListener(IgnoreTopInsetFrameLayoutListener)


new interface: IgnoreTopInsetFrameLayoutListener

new method: void onVisibilityChanged(View, int)


new class: IgnoreTopInsetRelativeLayout

new constructor: IgnoreTopInsetRelativeLayout(Context)

new constructor: IgnoreTopInsetRelativeLayout(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: IgnoreTopInsetRelativeLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new method: WindowInsets dispatchApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets)


new class: TopCropImageView

new constructor: TopCropImageView(Context)

new constructor: TopCropImageView(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: TopCropImageView(Context, AttributeSet, int)


new class: TouchAwareRecyclerView

new constructor: TouchAwareRecyclerView(Context)

new constructor: TouchAwareRecyclerView(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: TouchAwareRecyclerView(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new method: float getTouchX()

new method: float getTouchY()

new method: boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)


new class: BottomBarComponent

new constructor: BottomBarComponent(Fragment, ViewGroup)

new method: void addOnMenuItemClickListener(OnMenuItemClickListener)

new method: boolean hasVisibleItems()

new method: void inflateWithBuilder(AnnotationToolbarBuilder)

new method: void setItemEnabled(boolean, int)

new method: void setItemSelected(boolean, int)

new method: void setItemVisibility(boolean, int)


new class: BottomBarView

new constructor: BottomBarView(ViewGroup)

new method: void addOnMenuItemClickListener(OnMenuItemClickListener)

new method: boolean hasVisibleItems()

new method: void inflateWithBuilder(AnnotationToolbarBuilder)

new method: void setItemEnabled(int, boolean)

new method: void setItemSelected(int, boolean)

new method: void setItemVisibility(int, boolean)


new class: PresetBarComponent

new constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, ViewGroup)

new constructor: PresetBarComponent(LifecycleOwner, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, PresetBarView)


new class: PresetBarViewModel

new constructor: PresetBarViewModel(Application)

new method: void dismissStyleDialog()

new method: void generatePreview(int, String)

new method: PresetBarState getPresetBarState()

new method: void hidePresetBar()

new method: void observePresetState(LifecycleOwner, Observer<PresetBarState>)

new method: void observeSinglePresetImageFile(LifecycleOwner, Observer<SinglePresetState>)

new method: void openStyleDialog()

new method: void reloadPreset(Context, int)

new method: void reloadSignaturePreset(Context, int, String, int)

new method: void reloadStampPreset(Context, int, String, int)

new method: void saveStampPreset(Context, int, String, String, int)

new method: void saveStampPreset(int, String)

new method: void selectPreset(int)

new method: void setPresetBarState(PresetBarState)

new method: void showPresetBar()

new method: void updateAnnotStyle(AnnotStyle, int)


new class: PresetBarState

new static final field: int PRESET_NORMAL

new static final field: int PRESET_SELECTED

new static final field: int PRESET_STYLE_DIALOG_DISMISSED

new static final field: int PRESET_STYLE_DIALOG_SHOWN

new field: boolean isSinglePreset

new field: boolean isVisible

new field: int styleDialogState

new final field: ToolbarItem toolbarItem

new method: void addPresetState(PresetButtonState)

new method: void dismissStyleDialog()

new static method: PresetBarState fromSavedState(Context, ToolbarItem)

new method: Pair<PresetButtonState, Integer> getActivePresetState()

new method: int getButtonId()

new method: int getNumberOfPresetStates()

new method: PresetButtonState getPresetState(int)

new method: int getToolbarButtonTypeId()

new method: String getToolbarStyleId()

new method: void hidePresetBar()

new method: boolean isPresetSelected(int)

new method: void openStyleDialog()

new method: void selectPreset(int)

new method: void showPresetBar()

new method: void updateAnnotStyle(AnnotStyle, int)


new class: PresetButtonState

new constructor: PresetButtonState()

new method: AnnotStyle getAnnotStyle()

new method: void initializeStyle(Context, int, int, String)

new method: boolean isSelected()

new method: void setAnnotStyle(AnnotStyle)

new method: void setSelected(boolean)


new class: SinglePresetState

new constructor: SinglePresetState()

new static method: SinglePresetState fromBitmap(Bitmap)

new static method: SinglePresetState fromEmptyState(int)

new static method: SinglePresetState fromImageFile(File)

new method: Bitmap getBitmap()

new method: int getEmptyStateDesc()

new method: File getImageFile()

new method: void setBitmap(Bitmap)

new method: void setEmptyState(int)

new method: void setImageFile(File)


new class: PresetActionButton

new constructor: PresetActionButton(Context)

new constructor: PresetActionButton(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: PresetActionButton(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new constructor: PresetActionButton(Context, AttributeSet, int, int)

new method: void deselect()

new method: void openStyle()

new method: void resetStyle()

new method: void select()

new method: void setIconColor(int)


new class: PresetBarView

new constructor: PresetBarView(ViewGroup)

new static final field: int DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_PRESETS

new method: void addOnCloseButtonClickListener(OnCloseButtonClickListener)

new method: void addOnPresetButtonClickListener(OnPresetViewButtonClickListener)

new method: void addOnStyleButtonClickListener(OnStyleButtonClickListener)

new method: Context getContext()

new method: View getParent()

new method: void hidePresetBar(boolean)

new method: void removeOnCloseButtonClickListener(OnCloseButtonClickListener)

new method: void removeOnPresetButtonClickListener(OnPresetViewButtonClickListener)

new method: void removeOnStyleButtonClickListener(OnStyleButtonClickListener)

new method: void setSinglePreset(boolean)

new method: void showPresetBar(boolean)

new method: void updatePresetState(PresetBarState)

new method: void updatePresetStyle(PresetBarState)

new method: void updateSinglePreset(SinglePresetState)


new interface: OnCloseButtonClickListener

new method: void onCloseButtonClicked()


new interface: OnPresetViewButtonClickListener

new method: void onPresetButtonClicked(int)


new interface: OnStyleButtonClickListener

new method: void onStyleButtonClicked()


new class: PresetSingleButton

new constructor: PresetSingleButton(Context)

new constructor: PresetSingleButton(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: PresetSingleButton(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new constructor: PresetSingleButton(Context, AttributeSet, int, int)

new method: void setEmptyState(int)

new method: void setIconColor(int)

new method: void setIconSize(int)

new method: void setPresetBitmap(Bitmap)

new method: void setPresetFile(File)


new class: TabletPresetBarView

new constructor: TabletPresetBarView(ViewGroup)

new method: void attachToNewParent(ViewGroup)


new class: DocumentSlider

new constructor: DocumentSlider(Context)

new constructor: DocumentSlider(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: DocumentSlider(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new constructor: DocumentSlider(Context, AttributeSet, int, int)

new method: void clearResources()

new method: void dismiss()

new method: void dismiss(boolean)

new method: void handleDocumentLoaded()

new method: boolean isProgressChanging()

new method: boolean isReversed()

new method: boolean isVertical()

new method: void onCanvasSizeChanged()

new method: void onDocumentLoaded()

new method: void onPageChange(int, int, PageChangeState)

new method: void refreshPageCount()

new method: void setOnDocumentSliderTrackingListener(OnDocumentSliderTrackingListener)

new method: void setPageIndicatorLayout(PageIndicatorLayout)

new method: void setPdfViewCtrl(PDFViewCtrl)

new method: void setProgress(int)

new method: void setReversed(boolean)

new method: void show()

new method: void show(boolean)

new method: void updateProgress()


new interface: OnDocumentSliderTrackingListener

new method: void onDocumentSliderStartTrackingTouch()

new method: void onDocumentSliderStopTrackingTouch(int)


new class: DocumentSliderChip

new constructor: DocumentSliderChip(Context)

new constructor: DocumentSliderChip(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: DocumentSliderChip(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new method: boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)

new method: void setCardBackground(int)

new method: void setIconTint(int)

new method: void setVertical(boolean)


new class: ToolManagerViewModel

new constructor: ToolManagerViewModel()

new method: Tool getTool()

new method: ToolManager getToolManager()

new method: void observeToolChanges(LifecycleOwner, Observer<ToolChange>)

new method: void observeToolManagerChanges(LifecycleOwner, Observer<ToolManager>)

new method: void setToolManager(ToolManager)


new final class: ToolChange

new constructor: ToolChange(Tool, Tool)

new final field: Tool newTool

new final field: Tool oldTool


new class: AnnotationToolbarBuilder

new static final field: Creator<AnnotationToolbarBuilder> CREATOR

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder addCustomButton(int, int, int)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder addCustomSelectableButton(int, int, int)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder addCustomSelectableStickyButton(int, int, int)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder addCustomStickyButton(int, int, int)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder addToolButton(ToolbarButtonType, int)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder addToolStickyButton(ToolbarButtonType, int)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder copy()

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder copyWithoutToolbarItems(Set<ToolbarButtonType>)

new method: int describeContents()

new static method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder fromIdJson(String, AnnotationToolbarBuilder)

new method: List<ToolbarItem> getStickyToolbarItems()

new method: int getToolbarIcon()

new method: ToolbarItem getToolbarItem(int)

new method: List<ToolbarItem> getToolbarItems()

new method: String getToolbarName()

new method: String getToolbarTag()

new static method: LinkedHashMap<Integer, ToolbarButtonType> jsonStrToMap(String)

new static method: String mapToJsonStr(LinkedHashMap<Integer, ToolbarButtonType>)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder removeButtons(Set<ToolMode>)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder setIcon(int)

new method: void setToolbarItems(List<ToolbarItem>)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder setToolbarName(String)

new method: String toIdJson()

new static method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder withTag(String)

new method: void writeToParcel(Parcel, int)


new final class: ToolbarButtonType

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType AREA

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType ARROW

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType ATTACHMENT

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType CALLOUT

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType CHECKBOX

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType CHECKMARK

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType CIRCLE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType COMBO_BOX

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType CROSS

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType CUSTOM_CHECKABLE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType CUSTOM_UNCHECKABLE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType DATE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType DOT

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType EDIT_TOOLBAR

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType ERASER

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType FREE_HIGHLIGHT

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType FREE_TEXT

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType FREE_TEXT_SPACING

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType IMAGE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType INK

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType LASSO_SELECT

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType LINE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType LINK

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType LIST_BOX

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType MULTI_SELECT

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType PAN

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType PERIMETER

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType POLYGON

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType POLYLINE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType POLY_CLOUD

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType RADIO_BUTTON

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType RECT_AREA

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType REDO

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType RULER

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType SIGNATURE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType SIGNATURE_FIELD

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType SOUND

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType SQUARE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType STAMP

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType STICKY_NOTE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType TEXT_FIELD

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType TEXT_HIGHLIGHT

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType TEXT_SQUIGGLY

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType TEXT_STRIKEOUT

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType TEXT_UNDERLINE

new static final field: ToolbarButtonType UNDO

new final field: int icon

new final field: boolean isCheckable

new final field: int title

new method: int getValue()

new static method: ToolbarButtonType valueOf(String)

new static method: ToolbarButtonType[] values()


new class: ToolbarItem

new constructor: ToolbarItem(String, ToolbarButtonType, int, boolean, int, int, int)

new constructor: ToolbarItem(String, ToolbarButtonType, int, boolean, int, int, int, boolean)

new static final field: Creator<ToolbarItem> CREATOR

new static final field: ToolbarItem DEFAULT_PAN_TOOl

new final field: int buttonId

new final field: int icon

new final field: boolean isCheckable

new final field: boolean isVisible

new final field: int showAsAction

new final field: int title

new final field: ToolbarButtonType toolbarButtonType

new final field: String toolbarId

new method: ToolbarItem copy()

new method: ToolbarItem copy(boolean)

new method: int describeContents()

new method: boolean equals(Object)

new method: String getStyleId()

new method: int hashCode()

new method: void writeToParcel(Parcel, int)


new class: AnnotationToolbarComponent

new constructor: AnnotationToolbarComponent(LifecycleOwner, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, ViewGroup)

new constructor: AnnotationToolbarComponent(LifecycleOwner, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, AnnotationToolbarView)

new static final field: String TOOLBAR_ITEM_BUNDLE

new static final field: String TOOLMODE_DISABLED

new method: void addButtonClickListener(AnnotationButtonClickListener)

new method: void addToolbarOverlay(View)

new method: void clearState()

new method: void clearToolbarOverlayView()

new method: void closeEditToolbar()

new method: void hide(boolean)

new method: void inflateWithBuilder(AnnotationToolbarBuilder)

new method: void onEditToolbarDismissed()

new method: void rememberLastUsedTool(boolean)

new method: void removeButtonClickListener(AnnotationButtonClickListener)

new method: void selectToolbarButton(int)

new method: void setItemEnabled(int, boolean)

new method: void setItemVisibility(int, boolean)

new method: void setToolModeFilter(Set<ToolMode>)

new method: void setToolbarButtonVisibility(ToolbarButtonType, boolean)

new method: void show(boolean)

new method: void showEditToolbar(ToolMode, Annot, int)

new method: void slideIn()

new method: void slideOut()

new method: void updateToolbarState()


new interface: AnnotationButtonClickListener

new method: boolean onInterceptItemClick(MenuItem)

new method: void onPostItemClick(MenuItem)

new method: void onPreItemClick(MenuItem)


new class: AnnotationToolbarTheme

new constructor: AnnotationToolbarTheme(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)

new final field: int backgroundColor

new final field: int backgroundColorSecondary

new final field: int disabledIconColor

new final field: int editMenuButton

new final field: int iconColor

new final field: int presetTextColor

new final field: int selectedBackgroundColor

new final field: int selectedIconColor

new final field: int textColor

new static method: AnnotationToolbarTheme fromContext(Context)


new class: DefaultToolbars

new constructor: DefaultToolbars()

new static final field: String TAG_ANNOTATE_TOOLBAR

new static final field: String TAG_DRAW_TOOLBAR

new static final field: String TAG_FAVORITE_TOOLBAR

new static final field: String TAG_FILL_AND_SIGN_TOOLBAR

new static final field: String TAG_INSERT_TOOLBAR

new static final field: String TAG_MEASURE_TOOLBAR

new static final field: String TAG_PENS_TOOLBAR

new static final field: String TAG_PREPARE_FORM_TOOLBAR

new static final field: String TAG_VIEW_TOOLBAR

new static field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder defaultAnnotateToolbar

new static field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder defaultDrawToolbar

new static field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder defaultFavoriteToolbar

new static field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder defaultFillAndSignToolbar

new static field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder defaultInsertToolbar

new static field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder defaultMeasureToolbar

new static field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder defaultPensToolbar

new static field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder defaultPrepareFormToolbar

new static field: AnnotationToolbarBuilder defaultViewToolbar


new final class: ButtonId

new static final field: ButtonId ADD_PAGE

new static final field: ButtonId AREA

new static final field: ButtonId ARROW

new static final field: ButtonId ATTACHMENT

new static final field: ButtonId CALLOUT

new static final field: ButtonId CHECKBOX

new static final field: ButtonId CHECKMARK

new static final field: ButtonId CIRCLE

new static final field: ButtonId COMBO_BOX

new static final field: ButtonId CROSS

new static final field: ButtonId CUSTOMIZE

new static final field: ButtonId DATE

new static final field: ButtonId DOT

new static final field: ButtonId ERASER

new static final field: ButtonId FREE_HIGHLIGHT

new static final field: ButtonId FREE_HIGHLIGHT1

new static final field: ButtonId FREE_HIGHLIGHT2

new static final field: ButtonId FREE_TEXT

new static final field: ButtonId FREE_TEXT_SPACING

new static final field: ButtonId IMAGE

new static final field: ButtonId INK

new static final field: ButtonId INK_1

new static final field: ButtonId INK_2

new static final field: ButtonId LASSO_SELECT

new static final field: ButtonId LINE

new static final field: ButtonId LINK

new static final field: ButtonId LIST_BOX

new static final field: ButtonId MULTI_SELECT

new static final field: ButtonId PERIMETER

new static final field: ButtonId POLYGON

new static final field: ButtonId POLYLINE

new static final field: ButtonId POLY_CLOUD

new static final field: ButtonId RADIO_BUTTON

new static final field: ButtonId RECT_AREA

new static final field: ButtonId REDO

new static final field: ButtonId RULER

new static final field: ButtonId SIGNATURE

new static final field: ButtonId SIGNATURE_FIELD

new static final field: ButtonId SOUND

new static final field: ButtonId SQUARE

new static final field: ButtonId STAMP

new static final field: ButtonId STICKY_NOTE

new static final field: ButtonId TEXT_FIELD

new static final field: ButtonId TEXT_HIGHLIGHT

new static final field: ButtonId TEXT_SQUIGGLY

new static final field: ButtonId TEXT_STRIKEOUT

new static final field: ButtonId TEXT_UNDERLINE

new static final field: ButtonId UNDO

new method: int value()

new static method: ButtonId valueOf(String)

new static method: ButtonId[] values()


new class: TabletAnnotationToolbarComponent

new constructor: TabletAnnotationToolbarComponent(Fragment, FragmentManager, PresetBarViewModel, ToolManagerViewModel, AnnotationToolbarView)

new method: void closeEditToolbar()

new method: void showEditToolbar(ToolMode, Annot, int, Bundle)


new class: ToolbarSharedPreferences

new constructor: ToolbarSharedPreferences()

new method: LinkedHashMap<String, List<ToolbarItem>> getAllDefaultToolbarItems()

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getAnnotateToolbar(Context)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getCustomToolbar(Context, AnnotationToolbarBuilder)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getDrawToolbar(Context)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getFavoriteToolbar(Context)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getFillAndSignToolbar(Context)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getInsertToolbar(Context)

new static method: String getLastOpenedToolbarTag(Context)

new static method: int getLastUsedTool(Context, String)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getMeasureToolbar(Context)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getPensToolbar(Context)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getPrepareFormToolbar(Context)

new static method: int getToolbarStringResByName(String)

new method: AnnotationToolbarBuilder getViewToolbar()

new static method: void setCustomToolbar(Context, AnnotationToolbarBuilder)

new static method: void setLastOpenedToolbarTag(Context, String)

new static method: void setLastUsedTool(Context, String, int)


new class: ActionButton

new constructor: ActionButton(Context)

new constructor: ActionButton(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: ActionButton(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new constructor: ActionButton(Context, AttributeSet, int, int)

new method: void deselect()

new method: void disable()

new method: void enable()

new method: MenuItem getMenuItem()

new static method: int getPreviewColor(AnnotStyle)

new method: void hide()

new method: boolean isCheckable()

new method: boolean isSelected()

new method: boolean isVisible()

new method: void select()

new method: void setAlwaysShowIconHighlightColor(boolean)

new method: void setCheckable(boolean)

new method: void setDisabledIconColor(int)

new method: void setIcon(Drawable)

new method: void setIconAlpha(int)

new method: void setIconColor(int)

new method: void setIconHighlightColor(int)

new method: void setIconSize(int)

new method: void setMenuItem(MenuItem)

new method: void setSelected(boolean)

new method: void setSelectedBackgroundColor(int)

new method: void setSelectedIconColor(int)

new method: void setShowIconHighlightColor(boolean)

new method: void show()

new method: void updateAppearance(AnnotStyle)


new class: ActionToolbar

new constructor: ActionToolbar(Context)

new constructor: ActionToolbar(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: ActionToolbar(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new constructor: ActionToolbar(Context, AttributeSet, int, int)

new constructor: ActionToolbar(Context, AnnotationToolbarTheme)

new method: void addOnMenuItemClickListener(OnMenuItemClickListener)

new method: void addToolbarOverlay(View)

new method: void clearToolbarOverlayView()

new method: void deselectAllTools()

new method: FrameLayout getPresetContainer()

new method: boolean hasVisibleItems()

new method: void inflateWithBuilder(AnnotationToolbarBuilder)

new method: void selectToolbarButtonIfAvailable(int)

new method: void setItemEnabled(int, boolean)

new method: void setItemSelected(int, boolean)

new method: void setItemVisibility(int, boolean)

new method: void toggleToolbarButtons(int)

new method: void updateAccentButton(int, int, int)


new class: AnnotationToolbarView

new constructor: AnnotationToolbarView(ViewGroup)

new method: void addOnMenuItemClickListener(OnMenuItemClickListener)

new method: void addToolbarOverlay(View)

new method: void clearToolbarOverlayView()

new method: Context getContext()

new method: int getHeight()

new method: FrameLayout getPresetContainer()

new method: void hide(boolean)

new method: void inflateWithBuilder(AnnotationToolbarBuilder)

new method: boolean isShown()

new method: void selectToolbarButtonIfAvailable(int)

new method: void setItemEnabled(int, boolean)

new method: void setItemVisibility(int, boolean)

new method: void show(boolean)

new method: void toggleToolbarButtons(ToolbarItem)

new method: void updateAccentButton(int, int, int)


new class: SingleButtonToolbar

new constructor: SingleButtonToolbar(Context)

new constructor: SingleButtonToolbar(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: SingleButtonToolbar(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new static final field: String BUILDER_TAG

new method: void addOnButtonClickListener(OnClickListener)

new method: boolean handleKeyUp(int, KeyEvent)

new method: void setButtonText(String)

new method: void setOnEditToolbarChangeListener(OnEditToolbarChangedListener)

new method: void setup(PDFViewCtrl, OnToolSelectedListener, ArrayList<AnnotStyle>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)

new method: void show()

new method: void updateControlButtons(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean)

new method: void updateDrawColor(int, int)

new method: void updateDrawStyles(ArrayList<AnnotStyle>)


new class: TabActionButton

new constructor: TabActionButton(Context)

new constructor: TabActionButton(Context, AttributeSet)

new constructor: TabActionButton(Context, AttributeSet, int)

new constructor: TabActionButton(Context, AttributeSet, int, int)

new method: void setTabCount(int)


new interface: ToolbarButton

new method: void deselect()

new method: void disable()

new method: void enable()

new method: int getId()

new method: void hide()

new method: boolean isCheckable()

new method: boolean isSelected()

new method: void select()

new method: void setCheckable(boolean)

new method: void show()

pdftron-collab package


new method: Object usingTheme(int)

modified class: CollabViewerBuilder

From:public class CollabViewerBuilder extends SkeletalFragmentBuilder
To:public class CollabViewerBuilder extends SkeletalFragmentBuilder implements ViewerBuilderInterface


new class: CollabViewerBuilder2


removed method: void onViewCreated(View, Bundle)


new class: CollabViewerTabFragment2


new interface: CollabViewerTabFragment2.CollabTabListener

new method: CollabManager getCollabManager()


new class: CollabViewerTabHostFragment2


new interface: CollabViewerTabHostFragment2.CollabTabHostListener

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