Getting started with WebViewer

WebViewer is a pure JavaScript PDF library to annotate, view, and edit documents inside all major browsers.

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New to WebViewer?

After you checked out the demo, ran samples and integrated into your application, here are some next steps.

Open a document
Load a document, load multiple documents, load WebViewer without a document.

Customize UI
Hide buttons from the header, hide panels, remove print or download options.

Save and load annotations
Save annotations to server, database or merge them onto a PDF. Import/export of annotations in XFDF.


Introduction to WebViewer
An overview of how it works.

Deployment options
Three main options for deploying WebViewer.

Default UI
A complete, responsive and fully customizable user interface

Standard API
Document viewing and basic PDF manipulation APIs.

Client only
The latest browser technologies to render and manipulate documents completely on the client side.

Full API
More advanced document processing APIs.

Server integration
Optional aproach to enhancing performance and provide support for more file formats.

Add more functionality

Work with forms
Programmatically fill forms, extract form field values.

Customize styles
Change colors of the viewer, switch to dark theme.

Collaborate in real time
Enable collaboration in real time to get things done.

Specialized topics

Best practices
Learn best practices when it comes to WebViewer.

WebViewer Server
WebViewer Server increases performance on older browsers including IE9, older mobile devices.

Deploy to production
Only include what you need from the library when you are ready to deploy.

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