Collaborate on PDFs and DOCX using JavaScript Viewer

WebViewer provides out-of-the-box commenting, ability to setup user roles and permissions, ability to mention or tag users in conversation on all document formats including PDFs, Office (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX), images, videos, and other formats.

WebViewer's JavaScript document collaboration library contains APIs that allow you to export/import annotations from/to a document. Using those APIs and a server, you can set up realtime collaboration easily. This guide provides a simple example that covers:

  • Authenticating users
  • Exporting/Importing annotation data to/from server
  • Setting the user permissions of each annotation on both server and client side

You can find the full version of the sample in your download package, WebViewer/samples/annotation/realtime-collaboration/.


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Setup WebViewer for collaboration
To setup WebViewer to manage a server and client realtime collaboration.

Realtime collaboration server
To setup a database server to trigger events for create/modify/delete operations.

Realtime collaboration client
To setup a client application to listen or trigger events for create/modify/delete operations.

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