Annotations allow users to mark up and comment on PDFs without altering the original authors content.
Apryse SDK Benefits include:
Config annotation tools
To configure annotation tools using PTToolManager.
Annotation list
To display a list of all annotations in a document.
Annotation toolbar
To display a toolbar to create annotations and easily switch between different annotation tools.
Style editor
To display a style editor where users can change annotation colors.
Style properties
To set an annotation style property such as color, interior color, border style, padding, etc to an annotation.
Default Style properties
To configure default annotation style properties such as border color, border thickness, fill color, and more.
Custom appearances
To customize an annotations appearance such as with a custom image.
An introduction to events and triggers available from the ToolManager.
Disable create/edit
To selectively disable creation or editing of annotations.
Remove annotation
To remove an annotation from a document.
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