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iOS / Guides / Create annotations

Create annotations

A variety of annotations can be created such as sticky note (text annotations), link annotations, stamp annotations, and more.

Add text annotation to a PDF on iOS

To add a sticky note (text annotation) to a PDF Document.

PTPDFDoc *doc = [[PTPDFDoc alloc] initWithFilepath:filename];
PTPage *page = [doc GetPage:1];

// Create the sticky note (Text annotation)
PTText *txt =
    [PTText Create:[doc GetSDFDoc]
               pos:[[PTPDFRect alloc] initWithX1:10 y1:20 x2:30 y2:40]];
[txt SetTextIconName:@"UserIcon"];
[txt SetContents:@"The quick brown fox ate the lazy mouse."];
[txt SetColor:[[PTColorPt alloc] initWithX:0 y:1 z:0 w:0] numcomp:3];
[txt RefreshAppearance];
[page AnnotPushBack:txt];

Add or edit PDF annotations
Full code sample which shows how to add or edit PDF annotations (e.g. hyperlink, intra-document link, stamp, rubber stamp, file attachment, sound, text, free-text, line, circle, square, polygon, polyline, highlight, squiggly, caret, and ink).

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