Apryse Documentation

Add accurate, fast and secure document creation, editing, and processing capabilities with Apryse Developer Suite.

Apryse Developer Suite

WebViewer - Web SDK

Robust viewer and client-side processing for web applications.

Server SDK

Server / Desktop SDK for large jobs and secure environments.

Featured Integrations

Add WebViewer processing to your existing low-code tools.

Mobile SDK

Add document viewing to your mobile native apps.

Fluent for MS Office

Offering powerful automation, customizable templates, and seamless Microsoft Office integration.

Template Extraction

Identify components to classify and extract scanned documents.

Highlighted Features

DOCX Editor

Embed creating and editing DOCX documents without server-side or MS Office dependencies.


Add powerful text, table, and barcode extraction to your applications with fast, accurate OCR.

LLM Support

Begin using Intelligent Data Extraction (IDE) to augment contextual Large-Language Model (LLM) queries with Apryse Server SDK.


Deploy WebViewer SDK on any of the Low-Code platforms.

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