Redaction is a form of editing where information is permanently removed from a document. This is typically used to remove classified information so confidential documents can be distributed.
PDF redaction offers options to remove (not just cover or obscure) content within a region of PDF. With printed pages, redaction involves blacking-out or cutting-out areas of the printed page. With electronic documents that use formats such as PDF, redaction typically involves removing sensitive content within documents for safe distribution to courts, patent and government institutions, the media, customers, vendors or any other audience with restricted access to the content.
Redaction consists of two steps:
Redactions need to be applied for the content to be removed. Even if a redaction annotation obscures text from being viewed, it's still possible to get access to the information behind the redaction.
Redaction - Launch Demo
Video Redaction - Launch Demo
Setup WebViewer for redaction
To setup Webviewer to create and apply redactions.
Create marked content to be redacted
To create marked content to be removed for redaction.
Redact from a PDF document
To redact content from a PDF document.
Safeguarding Sensitive Information: PDF Data Redaction Guide with Angular in WebViewer - 10/25/23
Redacting Sensitive Information Using JavaScript - 6/22/23
Facial Redation with JavaScript - 7/3/20
Automating Document Redaction in a Web App using JavaScript - 2/12/20
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