Open Videos using JavaScript

HTML5 Videos can be loaded into WebViewer with use of the @pdftron/webviewer-video package.



1npm install @pdftron/webviewer-video

Below is a sample setup of the video package with webviewer.

initializeVideoViewer is called to give WebViewer the ability to handle the loading of video files. Afterwards, a video can be loaded with loadVideo. Lastly settings to customize the behavior of the controls can be passed in when calling initializeVideoViewer.

1import WebViewer from '@pdftron/webviewer';
2import { initializeVideoViewer, renderControlsToDOM } from '@pdftron/webviewer-video';
5 path: '/webviewer/lib',
6 selectAnnotationOnCreation: true,
7 },
8 viewer.current,
9).then(async instance => {
10 // Extends WebViewer to allow loading HTML5 videos (.mp4, ogg, webm).
11 const {
12 loadVideo,
13 } = await initializeVideoViewer(
14 instance,
15 {
16 license: '---- Insert commercial license key here after purchase ----',
17 }
18 );
19 // Load a video at a specific url. Can be a local or public link
20 // If local it needs to be relative to lib/ui/index.html.
21 // Or at the root. (eg '/video.mp4')
22 const videoUrl = '';
23 loadVideo(videoUrl);

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