Full API is mainly used for PDF processing situations that are not featured using the Standard API. The preferred recommendation is to use the Standard API to address your situation when possible. Standard API is easy to use, loaded by default, and performs best for most situations.
Please visit our Full API samples page to try out more samples.
Illustrates how to traverse page display list using ElementReader.
Illustrates how to use PDFNet page writing API, how to embed fonts and images and how to copy graphical elements from one page to another.
Shows how to add a text annotation to an existing page and how to create link annotations between several pages.
The sample code illustrates how to stamp text and images onto various pages in a PDF document.
Illustrates how to create and edit interactive forms (check boxes and text boxes).
PDFNet includes full support for FDF (Forms Data Format) and the capability to merge/extract forms data (FDF) with/from PDF. The sample illustrates basic XFDF merge functionality available in PDFNet.
The sample illustrates how to copy pages from one document to another, how to delete, and re-arrange pages and how to use ImportPages() method for very efficient copy and merge operations.
The sample demonstrates how to extract information from text boxes such as their position, font, size, color and of course the text itself.
The sample demonstrates how to search using strings and regular expressions in a PDF document and how to set search mode and parameters.
The sample demonstrates replacement of objects such as images, text and strings within a document.
The sample illustrates how to create Redaction objects and use PDFNetJS's redact function to remove and overlay PDF document content.
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