The PDFViewCtrl has a large API set that can be used to control how the PDF is presented to the user. This guide highlights some of the most commonly used functionality.
If you are using a DocumentActivity
(or PdfViewCtrlTabHostFragment2
), the contained PDFViewCtrl can be customized through PDFViewCtrlConfig.
API | Description |
| Set how pages are presented and scrolled: in 1 or 2 columns, scrolled vertically or horizontally |
| Sets the zoom level relative to the page size, fit-width, fit-height or fit-page. |
| When a document is scrolled via horizontal swipes, use this method to control what zoom level new pages are rendered at. |
| Sets the color that is seen around pages. |
| Controls how low-resolution thumbnails are handled. Enlarged thumbnails are used in place of high-resolution content while the high-resolution content is being rendered. |
| Controls how frequently the high-resolution content is updated while it is being rendered. |
| Controls if annotations are visible. |
| Controls if form fields are shaded with light blue. |
| Controls how PDFs that use overprint colors are rendered. |
| Can be used to turn on night-mode and other color processing changes. |
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