Why does my office file only have 1 page in documentLoaded?

When loading office files, each page is loaded in sequence.

So when the following code is run, the result is that the office file only has 1 page:


1documentViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', () => {
2 documentViewer.getCompleteRotation(2); // Throws exception as page 2 is not loaded yet
3 console.log(documentViewer.getPageCount()); // Returns 1

To get the document with all pages loaded, you can await the documentCompletePromise. This promise will resolve when all of the page information is available for the document.


1documentViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', async () => {
2 await documentViewer.getDocument().documentCompletePromise();
3 documentViewer.getCompleteRotation(2); // Works now as all pages are loaded
4 console.log(documentViewer.getPageCount()); // Returns the correct page count

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