Add attachments to PDF annotation

WebViewer supports attachments for annotations, and this currently enables attaching files to the replies in notes panel.

When adding a reply, the user can click the attachment icon to add attachments to their reply. If the file format is image-based, a preview will render.

Apryse Docs Image

After posting the reply, the attachments added will show with the note content. The attachments will persist after downloading.

Apryse Docs Image

Clicking on the attachment will open it in a new tab inside WebViewer. Note that you need to enable the MultiTab feature first.



Relevant APIs

WebViewer provides some APIs for customizing the default behaviors.


The preview of attachments can be enabled by using enableAttachmentPreview.


2 .then(function(instance) {
3 instance.UI.NotesPanel.enableAttachmentPreview();
4 });


The preview of attachments can be disabled by using disableAttachmentPreview.


2 .then(function(instance) {
3 instance.UI.NotesPanel.disableAttachmentPreview();
4 });

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