Some test text!
Web / Guides / Customize default styles
An annotation's default style is the style it is created with when created through its associated tool. For example, a freetext annotation create tool may set the stroke color, stroke thickness, fill color, text color, font size and/or opacity of the annotation shortly after creation, which becomes their 'default' or initial style.
To change the default style, you can use the setStyles API on the tool objects.
WebViewer({ ... }, viewerElement)
.then(instance => {
const { documentViewer, Annotations } = instance.Core;
StrokeColor: new Annotations.Color(0, 221, 255)
StrokeThickness: 5,
StrokeColor: new Annotations.Color(0, 0, 255),
TextColor: new Annotations.Color(0, 0, 0),
FontSize: '20pt'
objectOn the annotation create tools, you will find a defaults
object that contains the values used to initialize the annotation style properties. If you need to read the initial values, you can use this object.
WebViewer({ ... }, viewerElement)
.then(instance => {
const { documentViewer, Annotations } = instance.Core;
const highlightCreateTool = documentViewer.getTool('AnnotationCreateTextHighlight');
highlightCreateTool.defaults.StrokeColor = new Annotations.Color(0, 221, 255);
WebViewer({ ... }, viewerElement)
.then(instance => {
const { docViewer, Annotations } = instance;
const highlightCreateTool = docViewer.getTool('AnnotationCreateTextHighlight');
highlightCreateTool.defaults.StrokeColor = new Annotations.Color(0, 221, 255);
If you want to check out which properties are available on the annotations themselves, check out the annotation type guides .
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